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Configuring Create Actions

Create Actions define how the user create new Alloy Navigator objects. You configure Create Actions for a particular object class in the Workflow and Business Logic > [Module] > [Object Class] > Workflow > Actions > Create section.

NOTE:: Alternatively, you can create and modify Create Actions assigned to a specific Process in the Workflow and Business Logic> By Processes > [Process] section. For details, see Grouping Actions and Triggers into Processes.

To configure a Create Action :

  1. In the list of Create Actions for an object class, click New. The Create Action [ID] window opens. If you want to base the new Action on an existing one, select the source Action and click Copy Item.

  2. ClosedOn the General tab, you specify the general properties of the Action:

    • Object Class (read-only) - the object class for which the Action is created.

    • ID (read-only) - the identification number of the Action that uniquely identifies it from other workflow items.

    • Name - the Action name.

    • Caption - the Action caption displayed to the user in the New menu. If you want to use the Action name as the caption, you can leave this field clear, and Alloy Navigator will populate the empty Caption filed with the value you have typed in the Name field.

    • Hint - the floating hint displayed to the user.

    • Description - the description of the Action.

    • Enabled - enables the Action.

    • For Tickets:Available for - defines the Action scope:

      • Regular Tickets only - specifies that the Action is only for creating regular Tickets.

      • Recurrent Tickets only - specifies that the Action is only for creating recurrent Tickets.

        NOTE:The Recurrent Tickets functionality allows technicians to set up the auto-creation of Service Desk Tickets according to a schedule. For details, see Managing Recurrent Tickets.

      • Regular and Recurrent Tickets - specifies that the Action is for creating both regular and recurrent Tickets.

    • For hierarchical objects:
      This object will be created as subordinated - indicates that the Action creates objects subordinated to parent objects (for example, Organizations/Sub-Organizations, Locations/Sub-Locations, Parent Work Orders/Child Work Orders).

    • Icon - the icon that will accompany the Action name in the New menu:

      • Change - allows you to upload a custom image to be assigned as the Action's icon. You can upload an image in PNG, ICO, or BMP format (recommended dimensions: 24x24 pixels). After uploading, the icon's preview will be shown.

      • TIP: You can either upload one of the images shipped with Alloy Navigator or your custom one. For details, see Changing workflow action icons.

      • Clear - makes the Action shown without any icon.

      • Set Default - assigns the default icon to this Action. After choosing this option, the preview of the default icon will be displayed.

  1. ClosedOn the Condition tab, control the availability of the Action:

    • Under Roles, select the security roles for whose members the Action is available.

      NOTE: You manage security roles at Accounts and Roles > Roles. For details, see Managing security roles.

    • Under Additional Criteria, you can build the criteria to additionally control when the Action is available.

  1. ClosedOn the Template tab, specify a Template for assigning initial values to object fields:

    You can select an existing Template from the list or create a custom Template for only this Action.

    • Template - the name of the Template to use or customize.

      NOTE: You manage Templates for the particular object class in the Workflow and Business Logic > [Module] > [Object Class] > Workflow > Components > Templates section. For details, see Configuring Templates.

    • Under Template Definition, view the definition of the selected Template or modify the Custom Template:

      • New - adds a new row where you can select the name of the field and enter its initial value.

      • Edit - allows you to modify the selected template field.

      • Delete - deletes the selected row.

    • Make Custom - click this button if you want to customize the selected Template.

    • Make Reusable - click this button if you want to save a named copy of the Custom Template for using it in other Actions.

  1. ClosedOn the Form tab, select how users will specify the details of the new object:

    You can use one of existing Forms created for the object class, create a Custom Form for only this Action, or customize an existing Form for the Action. You can also allow users to enter object details directly in the object window by using the Full Form.

    NOTE: If you are using the Full Form, make sure all the fields that you want users to fill out are not read-only. For details, see Making fields read-only. For details on using the Full Form, see Administration Guide: Using the Full Form.

    Form - the name of the Form to use or customize. To create a Custom Form for only this Action, click Use Custom in the bottom right corner of the tab. To use the Full From, select <Full Form>.

    NOTE: You manage Action Forms for the particular object class in the Workflow and Business Logic > [Module] > [Object Class] > Workflow > Components > Forms section. For details, see Configuring Forms.

    • UnderForm Definition, view the definition of the selected Action Form or create or modify the Custom Form:

      • Caption - the title of the dialog box or wizard displayed to the user.

      • Instruction - the introductory text displayed to the user.

      • Window Style - defines how the Custom Form appears to the user: as a pop-up dialog box or as a wizard. For details, see Window style: dialog box or wizard.

    • New > ... - opens a window where you configure a new form element: Form Field, Text, Attachment Area, or Section.

        • Edit - allows you to modify the selected element on the Custom Form.

        • Delete - deletes the selected element from the Custom Form.

        • Move Up / Move Down - moves the selected element up or down on the Custom Form.

        • Validation - opens the Validation Rules window, where you can specify the validation criteria for the Custom Form. For details, see Form validation.

      • Use Custom / Make Custom - click this button if you want to create a Custom Form or customize the selected Form.

      • Make Reusable - click this button if you want to save a named copy of the Custom Form for using it in other Actions.

  1. ClosedOn the Programming tab, specify the operations to be executed when this Action runs:

    NOTE: If the Action Form contains virtual fields, placeholders for their values are available in the Select Placeholder window (in the Form Fields category) when you configure operations.

    TIP: If you want to see in details a User Macro or a Workflow Parameter referenced by the placeholder, right-click the selected placeholder and choose Placeholder Definition. It opens the Macro window (Workflow Parameter window). If necessary, update details and click OK. The placeholder would be updated with new values.

    NOTE:Operations are executed in the order they appear in the list, with some exceptions:
    1. If the list of operations includes E-mail Notification operations or Functions containing E-mail Notification operations, the placeholders in those E-mail Notifications will be replaced with the values that are actual after the whole Action is executed.
    2. If the list of operations includes Execute SQL operations or Functions containing Execute SQL operations, the Action will run Execute SQL operations last, after saving all changes made by Update Field and Create Object operations.

      • Edit - allows you to modify the selected operation or a conditional statement.

      • Delete - removes the selected operation or a conditional statement.

      • Move Up - moves up the selected operation or a conditional statement and changes the execution order.

      • Move Down - moves down the selected operation or a conditional statement and changes the execution order.

      • Copy / Paste commands in the pop-up menu - copy the selected operation or conditional statement.

      • TIP: By default, all operations are added as enabled. You can temporarily disable unneeded operations by right-clicking them in the list and selecting Disable Operation and then enable them again. Also, you can use disabling and enabling operations to test and debug the Create Action .

  2. ClosedOn the Processes tab, you can assign the Action to Processes:

    • Add - opens the Select Process window, where you can select an existing Process or create a new one.

    NOTE: You can view workflow items grouped by Processes and manage the list of Processes in the Workflow and Business Logic > Advanced > Processes section. For details, see Grouping Actions and Triggers into Processes.

    • Remove - removes the Action form the selected Process.

  3. Click OK.

TIP: For Create Actions that produce Recurrent Tickets:
You can view statistics on competed Recurrent Ticket sessions on the Sessions tab. For details, see Viewing Recurrent Ticket sessions.