Form Field window
Use the Form Field window to add or edit a field to be displayed on the chosen Action Form.
Under Field, specify the general field properties:
Object Field - indicates that the field is physical, i.e. the user can directly assign a value to the object field.
Name - the name of the object field.
NOTE: When the field label is customized, the custom label is displayed instead of the field name. For details, see Customizing system field labels.
Virtual Field - indicates that the field is virtual, i.e. it is used for passing values to other components of a workflow item.
Name - the name of the virtual field.
Type - the type of the virtual field.
For Reference field:Reference to - the class of objects or object classifiers available for the user to choose a reference object from. The virtual field will have the reference to the chosen record as its value, and you can use the record's attributes in Functions and E-mail Notifications.
IMPORTANT: When used in SQL expressions, the virtual field inserts the primary key that uniquely identifies the object record in the database. When used in text, the virtual field inserts the object name.
For Lookup field:Lookup values - specifies the values of the lookup list. Click the ellipsis button and create the list using the Lookup Values window.
Under Display, specify how this field appears on the Form:
Label - the field label to be shown in the Form. If you want to use the field name as the caption, keep this field clear.
NOTE: When an Action Form is displayed in the Desktop App, long labels of Memo fields are wrapped and shown in multiple lines. This allows you to specify longer labels for Memo fields in the Label field. In addition, if you left the Label field blank and the text in the Name field is long (this can be a custom label of a system field or a label of a user-defined or virtual field), this text will appear as the field label in the Action Form in full.
Value - the initial field value. If the initial value for your physical field is set both in the Form definition and in the Template, the Form definition takes precedence.
- opens the Build Expression window, where you can enter your text, SQL expression, or SQL script for the initial field value.
IMPORTANT: For virtual Lookup field: When your lookup list is based on the SQL query, you can specify the initial field value only by entering an expression. Your placeholder or SQL expression must return a value of the same data type as the first column of the lookup list's SQL query.
NOTE: If your Form has the wizard style, Alloy Navigator assigns the initial value to the field regardless of the wizard page's condition, i.e. the field would get the value even when the wizard page that contains the field is not visible. For details, see Window style: dialog box or wizard.
Filter - the criteria that the drop-down list items must satisfy to be displayed to the user (available only for Reference fields, which appear on the Form as a drop-down list where the user should select a single value).
- opens the Build Expression window, where you can choose a filter template and assign values to its parameters. Alternatively, you can enter your custom filtering expression in the form of a SQL “WHERE” clause.
Hint - the field hint to be displayed below the field.
NOTE: When a Form is displayed in the Desktop App, long field hints are wrapped and shown in multiple lines.
TIP: For customizable classification list: You can use tags to make filtering easier. For details, see Tagging list items.
- opens the text window where you can enter a brief description of the field.
Under Options, configure the field options:
Mandatory - specifies that the field is mandatory.
Read Only- specifies that the field is read-only.