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Changing workflow action icons

Updated in 2024

Interactive workflow actions, including both "Create" and "Step" actions, have icons. These icons accompany action captions in the action bar, toolbar, and Actions menu, helping users recognize the purposes of actions and distinguish them from one another. All default workflow actions come with preset icons that you can replace with your own. Occasionally, we provide new icon packs during upgrades, but we do not replace the icons of default actions, allowing you to retain your customizations.

This page explains how to replace action icons with new ones. You can also use these instructions to upload your own icons, if needed.

Standard sets of icons are included with your Alloy Navigator server components. Icons for workflow actions are available under the \Resources\Icons\PackNumber\Actions subfolder of your installation folder, typically here: C:\Program Files\Alloy Software\Alloy Navigator\Resources\Icons\PackNumber\Actions.

FOR CLOUD CUSTOMERS: Please note that icon packs are only available for on-premises deployments. Contact our Support Team for assistance with this task.

To change the icon of a workflow action:

  1. In the Settings App, under Workflow and Business Logic > [Module] > [Object Class] >Workflow > Actions, navigate to the action to update and double-click it.

  2. On the General tab, under Icon, click Change and browse for the desired icon. You can also upload your custom icon (recommended dimensions: 24x24 pixels).

  3. Preview the uploaded icon and click OK if you want to save the changes.