Installation Guide

Data migration from Alloy Navigator Express 7

The table below describes how Alloy Navigator Express 7 (ANX7) data migrates into Alloy Navigator Express 2024 (ANX2024).

Object records

ANX7 ANX2024

Alloy Navigator Express object records (Tickets, Computers, Persons, etc.)

All Alloy Navigator Express object records are imported.

Reservations are renamed to Equipment Reservations.

In addition to existing objects, Alloy Navigator Express 2024 introduces several new object classes: Change Requests, Approval Requests, and Groups.



Views (personal and shared)

Personal and shared views are imported.

For details on working with data views, see Help: Working with views.

NOTE: If you have Quick Filter conditions in ANX7 views, the migration converts them into Advanced Filter conditions. For details, see Help: Using the Advanced Filter.


ANX7 ANX2024

Summary and detail reports

Summary and detail reports are imported.

During the migration, ANX2024 automatically creates a new report category:

  • New in Alloy Navigator Express 2024 – includes new ANX2024 reports. All new reports are Microsoft Report Builder (RDL) reports.

For details, see Help: Summary Reports and Help: Detail Reports.

Configuration entities

Support Hours

Support Hours are imported.

For details, see Administration Guide: Setting Up Support Hours.

Self Service Portal settings
  • Self-Registration settings
  • E-mail Templates
  • Workflow settings

Self Service Portal settings are imported.

  • Self-Registration settings are imported.
  • E-mail Templates are imported.
  • Workflow settings are imported.

A new New Ticket Form constructor is introduced. The New Ticket Form prompts Self Service Desk customers for relevant information when they choose to create a Ticket, and initializes fields of this new Ticket. You can configure multiple New Ticket Form constructors for creating various types of Tickets.

During the migration, the New Ticket Template constructor is removed. The only New Ticket Form from the previous version is imported to the new version, marked as system and cannot be deleted. Initial field values from the New Ticket Template are imported to that system New Ticket Form.

For details, see Administration Guide: Configuring the Self Service Portal.

CSS Styles

All CSS Styles are imported.

For details, see Administration Guide: Customizing Style Sheets.

TIP: The new version supports customization of the Preview Pane's style and content. For details, see Administration Guide: Customizing the Style of the Preview Pane and Administration Guide: Customizing the Content of the Preview Pane.

Field Customization

Custom labels for system fields and user-defined fields.

Field settings are imported.

For details, see Administration Guide: Field Customization.

TIP: The new version supports user-defined fields of "Encrypted" type. This enables you to store sensitive information in the database in an encrypted form. For details, see Administration Guide: User Defined Field Types.

Report Logo

Report settings are imported.

Your Logo and Web Address settings for reports are imported.

For details, see Administration Guide: Personalizing Reports.

TIP: The new version supports changing the default locale for all reports. For details, see Administration Guide: Changing the Default Locale.


Dashboard settings are imported.

For details, see Administration Guide: Setting Up the Dashboard.

User Macros

User macros are imported.

You will also find new macros that are added in version 8. Review your macros and customize them, if needed.

For details, see Administration Guide: User Macros.

System Performance settings

System Performance settings are imported.

For details, see Administration Guide: Customizing Regional Settings.

Regional Settings

Regional Settings are imported.

For details, see:

Object Identifiers

Object Identifiers are imported.

For new object classes, new object identifiers are added.

For details, see Administration Guide: Configuring Object Identifiers.

Shared Snippets

Shared Snippets are imported.

For details, see Administration Guide: Managing Shared Snippets.

Classification Lists

Classification Lists are imported.

New classification lists for new functionality and objects are added.

Review your classification lists and customize them, as needed.

For details, see Administration Guide: Setting Up Lookup Lists.

Workflow Items
  • Actions
  • Templates
  • E-mail Notifications
  • Business Policies for Tickets
  • External Tools
  • Inventory Data Mapping

Workflow Items are imported.

All customizations that you made to workflow items, i.e. Actions, Templates, E-mail Notifications, Integrations (former External Tools), Business Policies for Tickets, and Inventory Data Mapping, are imported from ANX7 to ANX2024. In addition, the upgrade creates new items for new object classes and the related functionality introduced in version 8.

For details, see Administration Guide: Workflow Management.

Workflow Configuration
The new version introduces the Customization > General > Workflow Configuration section with settings that help you tailor the business logic to the specifics of your business processes. For details, see Administration Guide: Adjusting Workflow Configuration.

Accounts and Roles

Accounts and Roles are imported; new permissions may be granted to existing roles during the migration (see New permissions).

Settings for auto-termination of idle session are imported. ANX2024 can terminate only concurrent idle sessions.

For details, see Administration Guide: Account Administration.

Outgoing Notifications settings

All outgoing notifications settings are imported.

HTML E-mail Notifications
The new version generates all e-mail notifications in HTML format. However, if your organization prohibits the use of HTML in e-mail messages, you can select the Send all e-mail messages in plain text format check box, available in Notifications > E-mail Notifications, under Message options. This will convert all outgoing HTML messages to the plain text format.

TIP: The new version allows to specify the interval for checking the notification queue in seconds. During the upgrade, the existing interval is converted from minutes to seconds.

For details, see Administration Guide: Configuring and Controlling Outgoing Notifications.

Incoming Mail Processing
  • Mail Connector settings

Mail Connector settings are imported.

For details, see Administration Guide: Processing Incoming E-mail.

Service settings
  • Active Directory Synchronization settings
  • Processing E-Mail Settings

Service settings are imported.

Active Directory Synchronization

Active Directory Synchronization settings are imported. For details, see Administration Guide: Configuring Active Directory Data Mapping.

Processing E-mail

Processing E-Mail settings are imported. See Incoming Mail Processing - Mail Connector settings above.

Scheduled Reports

Scheduled Reports settings are imported. For details, see Administration Guide: Scheduling Reports.

Network Inventory

Network Inventory settings are imported.

For details, see Administration Guide: Network Inventory.

Log settings
  • System Log
  • Other Logs (Automation & Workflow Log, Incoming E-mail Log, etc.)

Log settings are imported.

Error Log (former System Log)

System Log settings, administrative alerts, and log data are imported. System Log is renamed to Error Log. The Notifications section of the Log Settings is transformed into a separate Alert section in the Sidebar.

Other Logs (Automation & Workflow Log, Incoming E-mail Log, etc.)

All log settings are imported, log data are discarded.

Instead of Log Settings section common for all logs, Settings command is added to the Module menu of each log.

TIP: The new version introduces the Deleted Objects log and the User Sessions log.

For details, see Administration Guide: Log Management.