Customize View window
The Customize View window allows you to configure various view customization options. To access this window, either select View > Customize View from the main menu, or right-click anywhere in a grid and choose Customize View from the pop-up menu.
The Customize View window has the following tabs:
Fields - allows you to add and remove record fields to/from the current view.
Advanced Filter (can be hidden when customizing some grids) - allows you to configure the Advanced Filter.
Grouping (can be hidden when customizing some grids) - allows you to configure multi-level grouping of records.
Summary (can be hidden when customizing some grids) - allows you to configure summary statistics to show in footers.
Sorting - allows you to you specify the options for multi-level sorting of records and define the order of records retrieval from the database.
Conditional Formatting - allows you to you configure the options for marking certain records with different colors and fonts.
Options (can be hidden when customizing some grids) - allows you to you set different view display and grouping options.
Fields tab
The Fields tab allows you to show or hide in the grid certain columns displaying record fields.
Available Fields pane - lists the records fields not displayed in the grid.
Show These Fields pane - lists the records fields shown in the grid. The order of columns corresponds to the sequence of columns in the grid.
Add - makes the field selected in the Available Fields pane visible in the grid and moves the field to the Show These Fields pane.
Remove - removes the field selected in the Show These Fields pane from the grid.
Add All - makes all available fields visible in the grid and moves them from the Available Fields pane to the Show These Fields pane.
Remove All - hides all fields in the grid and clears the Show These Fields pane. You will need to make visible at least one field before you are allowed to apply the changes.
Move Up - allows you to change the order of columns in the grid and moves the field selected in the Show This Fields pane one position up.
Move Down - allows you to change the order of columns in the grid and moves the field selected in the Show This Fields pane one position down.
Advanced Filter tab
The Advanced Filter tab allows you to configure filtering records at their retrieval from the database (as opposed to the Quick Filter which selects the records satisfying filter criteria from already retrieved ones).
NOTE: You can configure the advanced filters for your local views. For shared views, only your Alloy Discovery administrator can create and modify the advanced criteria for filtering data. You can change the advanced filter on the shared view, but you cannot save your changes and update the shared view. To save your changes, create your local copy of the shared view. For details, see Working with views.
The Advanced Filter tab has two modes:
Design Mode - allows you to create or edit the advanced filter by using the graphical Filter Builder. The Design mode is set by default. For details, see Designing an Advanced Filter with the Filter Builder. You can change the mode by clicking Switch to SQL Mode.
SQL Mode - allows you to specify the SQL WHERE clause directly. This mode is recommended for advanced SQL users only. For details, see Designing an Advanced Filter by specifying an SQL WHERE clause. You can change the mode by clicking Switch to Design Mode. However, all the data entered in the SQL Mode will be lost.
NOTE: If you have limited the number of records to retrieve (for details, see Limiting the number of records to retrieve), it is recommended that you use the Advanced Filter condition.
Grouping tab
The Grouping tab allows you to configure the grouping of records in the grid.
Available Fields pane - lists the grid columns except for the columns by which the records are grouped.
Group by These Fields pane - lists the grid columns by which the records are grouped. The order of columns corresponds to the sequence of grouping levels.
Add - allows you to group records by the column selected in the Available Fields pane. When you click Add, this column name moves to the Group by These Fields pane.
Remove - allows you to remove the grouping level corresponding to the column selected in the Group by These Fields pane. When you click Remove, this column name moves to the Available Fields pane.
Remove All - allows you to ungroup all records in the grid. When you click Remove All, all column names in the Group by These Fields pane move to the Available Fields pane.
Move Up - allows you to change the sequence of grouping levels. Clicking Move Up moves the column name selected in the Group by These Fields pane one position higher.
Move Down - allows you to change the sequence of grouping levels. Clicking Move Down moves the column name selected in the Group by These Fields pane one position lower.
Summary tab
The Summary tab allows you to configure displaying summary statistics in the grid and group footers. Make sure the relevant footers are enabled before you can see the statistics; for details, see Showing and hiding footers.
Available Fields pane - lists the grid columns except for the columns for which some summary statistics is shown.
Define Summary for These Fields pane - lists the grid columns for which some summary statistics is shown and displays the kind of statistics.
Add - allows you to you add either grid or group or both summary statistics for the field selected in the Available Fields pane and moves this field to the Define Summary for These Fields pane.
Remove - allows you to remove grid and group summary statistics for the field selected in the Define Summary for These Fields pane and moves this field to the Available Fields pane.
Remove All - allows you to remove all summary statistics from the grid and group footers and clears the Define Summary for These Fields pane.
Sorting tab
The Sorting tab allows you to configure the sorting of records in the grid and also the order of records retrieval from the database.
Available Fields pane - lists the grid columns except for the columns by which the records are sorted.
Sort by These Fields pane - lists the grid columns by which the records are sorted and shows the sorting order (either ascending or descending). The order of columns corresponds to the sequence of sorting levels. If the grid records are grouped by one or more columns, these columns are shown at the top of this list (once the records are grouped, they are automatically sorted by the same columns ).
Add - allows you to sort records by the column selected in the Available Fields pane. When you click Add, this column name moves to the Sort by These Fields pane.
Remove - allows you to remove the sorting level corresponding to the column selected in the Sort by These Fields pane. When you click Remove, this column name moves to the Available Fields pane.
NOTE: You cannot cancel sorting by the columns by which the records are grouped. These sorting levels can be cancelled only by ungrouping records.
Move Up - allows you to change the sequence of sorting levels. Clicking Move Up moves the column name selected in the Sort by These Fields pane one position higher.
Move Down - allows you to change the sequence of sorting levels. Clicking Move Down moves the column name selected in the Sort by These Fields pane one position lower.
NOTE: You cannot change the order of sorting levels for the columns by which the records are grouped. They are always shown at the top of the list and their order is defined by the order of grouping.
Conditional Formatting tab
This tab allows you to highlight records with different background colors based on custom conditions. As an alternative or in addition to background color, records can be highlighted by text formatting such as font style, font color, size, etc.
You set up highlighting by defining conditional formatting rules. A rule consists of a highlighting condition, a highlighting format (background color and/or text properties) and a highlighting scope (row, column or first column). Conditional formatting rules are listed on this tab. If a record satisfies a condition, it is highlighted using the format defined in the rule. If a record satisfies the condition of two or more highlighting rules, it is highlighted in accordance with the first (uppermost) rule in the list.
You can manage highlighting rules using the following buttons:
Add - allows you to create a new rule and opens an empty Edit Highlighting window.
Edit - opens the selected rule in the Edit Highlighting window so that you can edit it.
Copy - creates a copy of the selected rule and opens the Edit Highlighting window so that you can modify it.
Move Up - moves the selected rule one position up in the table, thereby changing its priority.
Move Down - moves the selected rule one position down in the table, thereby changing its priority.
Delete - removes the selected rule.
Conditional Formatting Rule
The Conditional Formatting Rule window allows you to create a new rule or modify an existing one. A rule consists of a condition, a format and a scope.
The window contains the following controls and sections:
Name - the rule name (must be unique within the highlighting rules).
Enabled - enables the rule.
Apply to - allows you to select the scope for conditional formatting (Row, Firstcolumn or Column).
Condition section - allows you to set up the condition in either of two modes:
Design Mode - allows you to use the graphical Filter Builder.
The condition can include a series of child conditions. Conditions can be combined in groups; the groups can also include nested groups of child conditions. You can create a new rule using the following buttons:
Add Condition - creates a new condition.
Add Group - creates a new group.
Delete Row - removes the selected condition or group.
Move Up - moves the selected condition or group up.
Move Down - moves the selected condition or group down.
The section can display the following elements:
Group rows - link the conditions and groups included in the group and display the conjunctive logical operator (all matched, any matched, one failed, or all failed) that connects all conditions and groups within the current group. Each condition rule has the root group that is shown in the upper row. By default, the root group has the all matched logical operator, you can change it if you want.
Sub-condition rows - display single conditions. Each condition consists of the field to be compared, a comparison operator and, if the operator requires so, field value(s) to compare with. If the comparison operator is either "like" or "not like", in the value you can use the wildcards: "_" representing any single character or "%" representing any sequence of characters. To define the value, you can also use the following placeholders: <Current User>, <Current User Organization>, and <Current User Location>, which will be replaced with the values of the Full Name, Organization, and Location fields, correspondingly, from the current user’s Person record.
Switch to SQL Mode - changes to the SQL mode (recommended for advanced SQL users only).
SQL Mode - allows you to directly specify the SQL WHERE clause. This mode is recommended for advanced SQL users only.
Your SQL WHERE clause can include different placeholders. Before the filter is applied, the placeholders will be automatically replaced with the respective data. Examples of SQL WHERE clauses for the Computers grid:
Meaning | WHERE clause |
Show computers with Windows 7 OS. |
[Info_OS] Like N'%Windows 7%' |
Show Windows 7 computers with CPU speed that is greater than 3 GB. |
([Info_OS] Like N'%Windows 7%') and ([Info_CPU_Speed] > 3) |
Show Windows 7 computers with CPU Speed that is greater than 3 GB located either in the ZEUS or NJ Domain. |
([Info_OS] Like N'%Windows 7%') and ([Info_CPU_Speed] > 3) and ([Machine_Domain] IN ( N'ZEUS', N'NJ')) |
Switch to Design Mode - changes to the Design mode. However, all the data entered in the SQL Mode will be lost.
Apply Style section - allows you to define the background color for the records that satisfy the rule condition. As an alternative or in addition to background color, you can specify font formatting for those records.
Background color - allows you to select the desired color from the drop-down list. Alternatively, you can click the ellipsis button
and select one of standard colors or define a custom one using the Color window.
Text color - allows you to select the desired color from the drop-down list. Alternatively, you can click the ellipsis button
and select one of standard colors or define a custom one using the Color window.
Font name - allows you to select the desired font name from the drop-down list.
Font size - allows you to specify the desired size in the Font Size field.
Font style - allows you to specify the desired font style characteristics using the Bold, Italic, Strikeout and Underline check boxes.
NOTE: If you want to exclude any of the styles from conditional formatting, clear its check box.
Example - shows how the records with the specified formatting will appear in the grid.
Options tab
The Options tab allows you to configure the display settings for the current list view.
View section - allows you to customize the following display options:
Show Grid Lines - select to show grid lines on the view. By default, the grid is hidden.
Show Filter Row - select to show the Filter Row on the view. The Filter Row lets you specify the filtering conditions for the records to be shown in a grid (for details, see Filtering with the Filter Row).
Show Footer - select to show the list footer. The footer allows you to view the record statistics, such as the number of records, and the maximum, minimum, average, and sum of the values for numeric, currency, and date/time fields.
Column Auto Width - select to re-size the width of grid columns using auto-width to display all grid columns at once.
NOTE: Alternatively, you can apply auto-width by right-clicking anywhere in a grid and choosing View > Auto Width. For details, see Resizing_columns.
Row Auto Height - select to re-size the height of grid rows using auto-height to display up to ten lines of the wrapped text. For details, see Resizing rows.
Preview lines count - specify the maximum number of text lines that will be shown in the preview row when you are previewing record fields (for details, see Previewing record fields). If you do not want to limit the height of the preview row, type 0 in this field.
Grouping section - allows you to configure he following grouping options:
Group by Sorting - select to have records automatically grouped when you click a column heading in the grid. The records will be grouped by the clicked column's values and the previously applied grouping (if any) will be cleared. Note that selecting this check box has no effect if you sort records by using the Sorting tab of the Customize View window or the grid context menu commands.
Group by Box - select to show the Group Panel. You can group records by dragging column headers to that panel.
NOTE: Alternatively, you can make the Group Panel visible by right-clicking anywhere in a grid and choosing Group > Group by Box. For details, see Showing and hiding the Group Panel.
Hide Columns on Grouping - select to hide the columns by which values the records are grouped.
Group Date Columns in Outlook Style - select to show grouped date columns in Microsoft Outlook style.
Show Group Footers section - allows you to choose whether to show group footers. The group footers let you view record statistics by group.
Never - hides group footers.
When Expanded - show a group footer when the group is expanded.
Always - shows group footers.