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Adding Alloy Navigator accounts

Introduced in 2022.1

This article provides step-by-step instructions for how to create user accounts, whether for technicians or for Self Service Portal customers.

Before starting with creating an account, plan the type of account you want to create and the authentication type that will be used by it. For details on different types of accounts, see Types of Alloy Navigator accounts. For details on authentication types, see Authentication types.

Creating Technician accounts

Technicians are IT engineers and managers who use Alloy Navigator in daily operations: to resolve incidents, fulfill service requests, etc.

Before you begin:

  • Consider the tasks the technician will be performing in Alloy Navigator and plan the technician’s membership in existing security roles, or create new security roles, if needed. For details, see Managing security roles.

  • If you have a combined product license, decide what type of account to create for this technician: Concurrent or Named. For details, see Types of Technician Accounts.

To add a new Technician account:

  1. Under Users & Security > Accounts and Roles > Accounts, click New. The New Account Wizard starts. On the Welcome page, click Next.

  2. On the Select Account Type page, select Technician, then click Next.

  3. If the Select Technician Type page appears, choose the type of account you want to create for this technician and click Next.

  4. TIP: You will be able to change the Technician account type later. For details, see Types of Technician Accounts.

  5. On the Select Authentication Type page, choose the authentication type and click Next. For details, see Authentication types.

  6. Depending on the selected authentication type, proceed through next steps of the wizard:

    • For Windows Native authentication:

      1. On the Select Windows Account page, type in a Windows login name. This can be a Windows domain or local computer account. Use the following format: DOMAIN\UserName or COMPUTER\UserName.

        Click Next.

      2. On the Import Person from Active Directory page, you can keep the check box selected to create a new person record based on the information imported from the Active Directory. Click Next.

    • For Standard or SSO authentication:

      On the Standard or Single Sign-On page:

      • For Single Sign-On (SSO), enter the user email address in the Username field. This is the email address that uniquely identifies the user in your identity platform. If you want the user to be able to sign in with their password, select the Allow password authentication check box and provide the password.

      • For Standard password authentication, enter the username (login) in the Username field, select the Allow password authentication check box , and provide the password.

  7. On the Associate the Account with a Person page, either keep the pre-populated Person, or click the ellipsis button and double-click the Person you want to associate with this account. Click Next when done.

    NOTE: To be associated with a Technician account, the Person record must be active and have the Technician attribute set to "Yes".

  8. On the Assign Roles to Technician page, review the default security roles, assigned to all new Technician accounts automatically. Optionally assign other roles or revoke the default roles by using Add or Delete buttons, correspondingly.

    Click Next when done.

  9. On the Ready to Create page, click Next to create the account with the specified properties.

  10. On the Account Created page, click Finish to close the wizard.

Creating SSP Customer accounts

SSP customers are internal employees and customers who work with Alloy Navigator via the Self-Service Portal.

Before you begin:

  • Consider whether it is necessary to create SSP Customer accounts. With LDAP Authentication enabled for the Self Service Portal you do not need to create SSP customer accounts for domain users.

  • Consider whether you are indeed required to create SSP Customer account manually. Depending on the authentication type the Self Service Portal uses, you can employ:

    • For Windows Authentication: auto-creation of SSP Customer accounts by Active Directory Synchronization.

    • For Standard Authentication: self-registration of new SSP users (requiring or not requiring approval).

  • All SSP users can update only their own tickets (Incidents and service requests the user is the Requester of), but they can have different visibility of tickets submitted by other users. The ability to see tickets submitted by someone else is controlled by the user access level. Consider the user access level for the new account. If needed, you can change it later. For details, see Changing user access level.

To add a new SSP Customer account:

  1. Under Users & Security > Accounts and Roles > Accounts, click New. The New Account Wizard starts. On the Welcome page, click Next.

  2. On the Select Account Type page, select SSP customer, then click Next.

  3. On the Select Authentication Type page, choose the authentication type and click Next. For details, see Authentication types.

  4. Depending on the selected authentication type, proceed through next steps of the wizard:

    • For Windows Native authentication:

      1. On the Select Windows Account page, type in a Windows login name. This can be a Windows domain or local computer account. Use the following format: DOMAIN\UserName or COMPUTER\UserName.

        Click Next.

      2. On the Import Person from Active Directory page, you can keep the check box selected to create a new person record based on the information imported from Active Directory. Click Next.

    • For Standard or SSO authentication:

      On the Standard or Single Sign-On page:

      • For SSO, enter the user email address in the Username field. This is the email address that uniquely identifies the user in your identity platform. If you want the user to be able to sign in with their password, select the Allow password authentication check box and provide the password.

      • For Standard password authentication, enter the username (login) in the Username field, select the Allow password authentication check box , and provide the password.

  5. On the Associate the Account with a Person page, either keep the pre-populated Person, or click the ellipsis button and double-click the Person you want to associate with this account. Click Next when done.

  6. By default, the account has the Regular User access level. If you want to allow the user to view Tickets of other users under his / her supervision, click Manager, Group Manager, Department Manager, or Organization Manager on the Select Access Level page. For details, see Changing user access level. Click Next.

  7. On the Ready to Create page, click Next to create the account with the specified properties.

  8. On the Account Created page, click Finish to close the wizard.