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Task Calendar

Updated in 2021.2

The Task Calendar is a global calendar where you can browse personal work calendars of technicians and see either Project Tasks or Work Orders assigned to them. Here you can view work schedules of your teammates, know who is in charge of what, when deadlines are due, who is overloaded, and who is available to take on more work. Read this article to see how to work with the Task Calendar.

To access the Task Management Calendar, select either Project Management > Task Management Calendarin the Sidebar or Go > Task Management Calendarfrom the main menu.

TIP: You can view the calendar information by day, by week, or by month. For details, see Changing Calendar views.

Switch between Project Tasks and Word Orders

The Task Management calendar displays ether Project Tasks or Work Orders, but not both. To choose what type of information you want to view, click the corresponding Project Tasks or Work Orders option in the top-right corner of the screen, below the mini-calendar.

Choose technicians to track

The Task Management Calendar displays parallel horizontal time lines for the technicians you want to track. Instead of choosing individual names, you can choose one or more groups of technicians, and the calendar would display time lines for all members of the selected groups. You can also combine these two methods: select several technicians and one or more groups.

  • ClosedTo specify technicians for the calendar:

    1. To expand or collapse the Assignee or Group panes, in the right side bar under the mini-calendar, click Assignee or Group, respectively. These panes must be expanded if you want to specify technicians.

    2. Select the checkboxes in either or both of the Assignee and Group panes. To choose all technicians, select the <All> checkbox under Assignee. Clearing the <All> checkbox will clear all other checkboxes in the pane.

    NOTE: The Group pane displays only technician groups.

  • ClosedTo view the details of a technician:

Time lines are sorted alphabetically by the technician's Full Name. When there are many technicians selected, use the scroll bar to scroll through their schedules. You can zoom in to show fewer resources or out to show more resources by clicking the minus and plus buttons in the scroll bar.

Manage technicians' personal events

Technicians have personal events such as vacations, training days, meetings, and other exceptions to their standard working time, specified using the Work Calendar tab of their Person details window. The Task Management Calendar displays all personal events for the selected technicians, so you can quickly visualize when personal events overlap the Work Order flow and reschedule the Work Order or the event before it's too late.

You can manage personal events right from the calendar as follows:

  • ClosedTo view the details of an event:

    • Rest the pointer on the event to display its details. The ScreenTip displays the event name, its dates, and description.

  • ClosedTo reschedule a personal event:

    1. Drag the start or end border to the new position. You can also drag events between dates within the calendar area or to a particular date in the mini-calendar in the top-right corner.

    1. Click Save on the calendar's Module menu to save your changes in the database.

    NOTE: To change other event details (for example, add a new description), double-click the event and make your changes using the [Personal Event Category] window.

  • ClosedTo add a personal event:

    1. Select the cell that you want to bind with a new personal event and click New > [Personal Event Category] on the Module menu. Alternatively, right-click the cell, and then click New > [Personal Event Category].

      You can also select a range of cells to immediately specify the event's start and end date and time. The [Personal Event Category] window opens.

    NOTE: The list of personal event categories is configured by your Alloy Navigator administrator. For details, see Managing personal event categories.

    1. Specify the event details and click OK. A new event bar appears in the calendar.

  • ClosedTo copy a personal event:

    1. Select the event you want to copy and drag it with the CTRL key pressed.

    2. Click Save on the calendar's Module menu to save your changes.

  • ClosedTo delete a personal event:

    • Select the event and click the Delete button on the Module menu. Alternatively, right-click the event, and then click Delete Selected Item(s).

Filter calendar items

The Task Management Calendar displays Project Tasks or Work Orders assigned to the selected technicians. Project Tasks or Work Orders are shown as bars from their Scheduled Start Date (or Start Date, if specified) to Scheduled End Date (or End Date, if specified). You can filter the items in the calendar by types, categories, statuses, or projects.

  • ClosedTo filter Project Tasks or Work Orders:

    • In the right side bar, under Filter by, expand the corresponding pane (Type, Status, etc.) and select the checkboxes for the desired values. You can combine any properties as you want.

    The most of panes have the <Unassigned> checkbox, which allows you to decide whether the calendar would display items having an empty value in the corresponding field.

  • ClosedTo remove filtering:

    • To remove filtering by a specific field value, clear the corresponding checkbox.

    • To remove all filtering for a field, select the <All> checkbox in the corresponding pane. This will select all the available checkboxes in that pane, and the calendar will show Project Tasks or Work Orders having any value in that field.

      NOTE: Clearing the <All> checkbox will clear all other checkboxes in the pane. Make sure that you have selected some values in each of the Type, Category, Status, and Project panes. Otherwise, your calendar will be empty.

Configuration panes with specified filters will show the asterisk (*) in their title bars.

View the details of Project Tasks and Work Orders and reschedule them

The Task Management Calendar shows Project Tasks and Work Order flow from their Scheduled Start Date to Scheduled End Date and enables you to reschedule or re-assign them before the work actually begins.

As soon as the work begins, the Start Date value get populated, and the calendar displays that Start Date instead of the Scheduled Start Date. When the Project Tasks or Work Order is completed, the Completed Date value get populated, and the calendar displays that Completed Date instead of the Scheduled End Date.

IMPORTANT: Unlike flexible scheduled dates, the Start Date and Completed Date are fixed, and you cannot "move" them. Unlike Work Project Tasks and Work Orders with fixed dates are marked with purple borders .

  • ClosedTo view the details of a Project Task or Work Order:

    • Point to the Project Task or Work Order to display its status, start and end date and time. If you want to view more details, such as the priority and description, double-click the Work Order to bring up the Work Order window.

  • ClosedTo reschedule or reassign a Project Task or Work Order:

    1. Drag the start or end border to the new position. You can also drag items between dates within the calendar area or to a particular date in the mini-calendar in the top-right corner.

      If you want to reassign a Project Task or Work Order, just drag it to another technician.

    2. Click Save on the calendar's Module menu to save your changes.