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My Calendar

Updated in 2024.2

My Calendar is a personal view for your working calendar that helps you quickly view your important dates such as due dates for tickets, expiration dates of software licenses or contracts, or return dates for leased computers, and your personal events such as days off and other exceptions to your regular working time. You can also add, modify, and delete your personal events right on your calendar. My Calendar is personal, i.e. it is available only for you.

To access My Calendar, select either My Work > My Calendar in the Sidebar, or Go > My Calendar from the main menu. You can view the calendar information by day, by week, or by month. For details, see Changing Calendar views.

NOTE: To refresh the calendar, press F5.

Hiding calendar events

Displaying many events may litter your calendar and slow down the performance. You can temporary hide the events that are not critical for you now, and display them again, when needed.

The Calendar Events pane in the right side bar shows descriptions of all events that your calendar can currently display. To hide an event, clear the corresponding checkbox. To enable the event again, select the checkbox.

Viewing details of calendar events

Rest the pointer over the calendar event to display its summary description, current status, start date and time and end date and time. If you want to view more details, double-click the event to bring up its details window.

Managing your personal events

My Calendar displays your personal working time and your personal events such as vacations, training days, meetings, and other exceptions to your standard working time, which you specify using the Work Calendar tab of the Person details window. You can quickly visualize personal events overlapping some important dates and reschedule your work or the event before it's too late.

You can manage your personal events right from the calendar as follows:

  • ClosedTo view the details of an event:

    • Rest the pointer over the event to display its details. The ScreenTip displays the event name, its dates and description.

  • ClosedTo reschedule a personal event:

    • Drag the start or end border to the new position. You can also drag events between dates within the calendar area or to a particular date in the mini-calendar in the top-right corner.

    If you want to change an event details (for example, add a new description), you can double-click the event and make your changes using the [Personal Event Category] window.

  • ClosedTo add a personal event:

    1. Select the cell where your want to add your personal event and click New > [Personal Event Category] on the Module menu. Alternatively, right-click the cell, and then click New > [Personal Event Category]. You can also select a range of cells to immediately specify the event's start and end date and time. The [Personal Event Category] window opens.

    2. NOTE: The list of personal event categories is configured by your Alloy Navigator administrator. For details, see Managing personal event categories.

    1. Specify the event details as needed and click OK. A new event bar appears in the calendar.

  • ClosedTo delete a personal event:

    • Select the event and click the Delete button on the Module menu. Alternatively, right-click the event, and then click Delete Selected Item(s).

Managing My Calendar events

My Calendar comes with the default calendar events to display. You can disable or enable their display, fine-tune parameters, and add new events. Two types of calendar events are available:

  • Single- date events: Key dates, such as incident due dates or software license expiration dates

  • Two-date events: Time periods between two dates, such as the duration contracts from start to end date. My Calendar shows continuous events as bars that begin at the start date and end at the end date.

You can filter any calendar events as you need; for example, you can configure your calendar to display only your Work Orders that are currently in progress, from their Start Date to Due Date. Another example is displaying the Date Required only for received Purchase Orders.

To configure My Calendar:

  1. In My Calendar, click Settings on the Module menu to bring up the My Calendar Event Settings window.

  2. All calendar events are grouped under their object class. Manage your events as follows.

    • The event list displays checkboxes for all calendar events. Selected checkbox means that the calendar event is enabled, i.e. My Calendar displays its dates when the event condition is true. If you don't want My Calendar to display the dates for an event, clear its check box in the list.

      NOTE: You can also disable or re-enable calendar events directly from My Calendar; for details, see Hiding calendar events.

    • To create a new calendar event:
      1. Click New to bring up the Calendar Event window.

      2. In the Object Class list, select the class of objects to show.

      3. For a single date event, specify the Start Date. For a continuous event, specify the Start Date and the End Date.

      4. If you want to filter event in My Calendar, click the ellipsis button in the Object Filter field and define a condition in either of two modes: Design mode and SQL mode.
        • Design Mode: Allows to use the graphical Filter Builder. The Design mode is set by default. You can change the mode by clicking Switch to SQL Mode.
          • ClosedTo add a condition:

              1. On the Filter Menu, click Add Condition, or click the plus button to the right of a row.

              2. Define the condition: choose the field to compare, the comparison operator and value to compare with (if applicable to the chosen operator). For details, see Using operators in the Filter Builder. If the comparison operator is either "like" or "not like", in the value you can use the wildcards: "_"  representing any single character or "%" representing any sequence of characters.

              3. To define the value, you can also use the following placeholders: <Current User>, <Current User Organization>, and <Current User Location>, which will be replaced with the respective values from the Full Name, Organization, and Location fields of the current user’s Person record.

          • ClosedTo add a group of conditions:

              1. On the Filter Menu, click Add Group, or click button to the right of a row.

              2. In the new group row, choose the operator to combine the conditions within the group (the default operator is all matched, you can also choose any matched, one failed, or all failed). For details, see Using operators in the Filter Builder.

              3. Define the conditions in the group.

          • ClosedTo remove a condition or a group of conditions:

            • Select the corresponding row and click Delete Row on the Filter Menu, or click the minus button to the right of the row.

            ClosedTo move a condition into another group:

            • To move a condition into another group, use Move Up (Move Down) commands on the Filter Menu. Alternatively, you can use the drag icon (three gray parallel lines ) to the left of each row.

  • SQL Mode: Allows you to directly specify the SQL WHERE clause. This mode is recommended for advanced SQL users only. You can change the mode by clicking Switch to Design Mode. However, all the data entered in the SQL Mode will be lost.

    • ClosedClick here to show the examples of SQL WHERE clauses for Incidents

      MeaningWHERE clause

      Show overdue Incidents

      (DATEDIFF(n, [Due_Date], [Completed_Date]) >0) OR ([Completed_Date] is NULL) AND(DATEDIFF(n, [Due_Date], GETDATE()) >0)

      Show overdue Incidents which status is neither Closed nor Resolved

      ([Status] <> N'Resolved') and ([Status] <> N'Closed') and (DATEDIFF(n, [Due_Date], GETDATE()) >0)

      Show unassigned Incidents

      ([Status] = N'Unassigned') and (([Assignee] ='') or ([Assignee] is NULL))

    • ClosedClick here to show the examples of SQL WHERE clauses for Computers

      MeaningWHERE clause

      Show leased Computers with expired Lease Return date

      [Lease] = '1' AND (DATEDIFF(n, [Lease_Return_Date], GETDATE()) >0)

      Show out-of-warranty Computers

      (DATEDIFF(n, [Warranty_Exp], GETDATE()) >0)

      1. Type the description for your calendar event in the Description field. This description will help you identify the event in the Calendar Events pane, where you can temporary hide this event and display it again right from your calendar. For details, see Hiding calendar events. If you keep the Description field empty, Alloy Navigator will display the event as follows:

        • For a one-date event: [Start Date]

        • For a continuous event: [Start Date to [End Date]

        • NOTE: If your calendar event has a filter, the My Calendar Event Settings window would display the filtering expression in brackets; for example: Due Date (([Status] = N'In Progress') and ([Type] = N'Issue') and ([Assignee_Group] = N'Service Desk')). However, My Calendar does not display filtering expressions in the Calendar Events pane due to the lack of space, so we recommend that you specify a short, meaningful description for filtered objects.

      2. By default, each newly added calendar event is enabled, i.e. My Calendar will display its dates when the event condition is true. If you don't want My Calendar to display the dates for your event, clear the Enabled check box.

  • To modify a calendar event:

    1. Double-click the event to bring up the [Calendar Event] window.

    2. Make your changes and click OK.

  • To delete a calendar event:

    • Select the event and click Delete.

  • View the list of calendar events and click OK to close the window.