Types of user-defined fields
Alloy Navigator supports the following types of user-defined fields (UDFs):
Integer: A whole number (no decimals) between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
Logical: A Boolean value (True or False). Logical fields are displayed in data grids as check boxes or as check marks.
Currency: A currency value, which consists of a decimal value and a currency symbol, e.g., $500.00.
This field accepts values that can range from -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807. These values include up to four decimal places to represent fractions of a currency, such as $500.00 or €123.4567.
NOTE: If needed, you can customize the currency format.
Float: A decimal floating-point number with up to 15 digits, including up to 9 digits after the decimal point.
When creating this type of field, you can specify the number of decimal places, which will determine how values are formatted for input and display. The field can handle large numbers, but it’s recommended to monitor performance with extremely high values.
String: A text up to 1000 characters long.
Encrypted: A text up to 1000 characters long that should be stored securely.
This field type allows users to store and display sensitive data in encrypted form. Business logic operations can access the encrypted values, but any field with no data or a NULL value will appear as blank to users.
Memo: A text up to 2 GB in size (up to 2,147,483,647 characters).
Memo fields appear on the screen as text boxes with a button
in the upper-right corner, which opens the field contents in a new window.
Date: A date value, with a valid range from January 1, 1900, to 100 years from today’s date.
Date/Time: A date and time value (a timestamp), with a valid range from January 1, 1900, to 100 years from today’s date.
Duration: A time duration value that can range up to 99,999 hours and 59 minutes (a total of 5,999,999 minutes).
NOTE: If needed, you can customize the duration format.
Reference: A link to another object in the database. Reference fields are displayed as searchable drop-down lists.
NOTE: Currently, Alloy Navigator supports references to Persons only.
Lookup: A field that allows users to select a value from a predefined list of available options. Lookup fields are displayed as drop-down lists.