Installation Guide

Alloy Navigator Enterprise Tools and Resources

The Alloy Navigator Enterprise 2024 suite includes main components and auxiliary tools (utilities, configuration files, and resources). The main components can be viewed and launched from the Alloy Control Panel.

See the table below for list of basic auxiliary tools with descriptions and file locations.

NOTE: Depending on the installation options, the set of available components, tools, and resources may vary.

Component Description Location and Filename Related topic in Documentation
Alloy Navigator installation package


Database Backup/Restore Wizard

This utility allows you to backup or restore your Alloy Navigator database.


Help: Database Backup/Restore Wizard

Alloy Reporting Module for Alloy Navigator

This utility allows you to generate reports.


Help: Reporting Module

Password Reset Tool for Alloy Navigator

This utility allows you to reset Windows user passwords.


INFO: For additional information on this utility, see How Tos: How to configure permissions for Windows password reset tool.

Icon Pack

This icon pack allows you to change the icons used in Alloy Navigator workflow and business logic.


\Resources\Icons\Pack1\ (legacy pack)

Alloy Integration Launcher This small program allows running external commands and apps integrated with Alloy Navigator, directly from Alloy Navigator. \Program Files\Common Files \Alloy Shared\Utils\AlloyLauncher.exe

Administration Guide: External Command

Web App installation package

Localization file

This resource contains all Alloy Navigator Web App text strings (in English) and allows you to localize it.


Alloy Integration Launcher Installer This installer installs Alloy Integration Launcher on the user's computer, when needed. Alloy Integration Launcher is a small program that allows running external commands and apps, integrated with Alloy Navigator, directly from the web browser. \Program Files\Common Files \Alloy Shared\Utils\AlloyLauncher.msi

Administration Guide: External Command

Self Service Portal installation package

Self Service Portal localization dictionaries

The set of the localization dictionaries for all workflow items that are involved in SSP operations. If you have customized the workflow and added new workflow items, new fields, or other elements you may need to localize your changes, i.e. update localization dictionaries for desired languages.


Administration Guide: Localizing Forms and Actions in SSP Workflow

Configuration file for SSP views

This configuration file allows you to customize any pre-defined SSP view by adding, removing, or rearranging columns.


Administration Guide: Customizing Views for SSP Customers

SSP style definitions

This configuration file allows you to customize the appearance of your SSP pages (colors, fonts, etc.). Each theme for the Self Service Portal includes its own config.less file.

\HomePage\[theme name]\config.less

Administration Guide: Customizing the Appearance of SSP Pages
Alloy Integration Launcher Installer This installer installs Alloy Integration Launcher on the user's computer, when needed. Alloy Integration Launcher is a small program that allows running external commands and apps, integrated with Alloy Navigator directly from the web browser. \Program Files\Common Files \Alloy Shared\Utils\AlloyLauncher.msi

Administration Guide: External Command

Alloy Discovery 2024 installation package

Alloy Remote Screenshot Tool

This utility allows you to capture screenshots on remote Windows computers.


Alloy Discovery Administration Guide: Capturing Screenshots on Remote Computers

Alloy Reporting Module for Alloy Discovery

This utility allows you to generate reports.


Alloy Discovery Help: Reporting Module
Alloy Integration Launcher This small program allows running external apps, integrated with Alloy Discovery ("integrations"), directly from Alloy Discovery. \Program Files\Common Files \Alloy Shared\Utils\AlloyLauncher.exe Alloy Discovery Administration Guide: Adding Integrations
All installed packages

Audit Snapshot Viewer

This utility allows you to view audit snapshots created in Alloy Discovery.

\Program Files\Common Files \Alloy Shared\AuditViewer\Bin\AdtViewer.exe

Help: Audit Snapshot Viewer

Barcode font

Alloy Navigator installs this true type barcode font in the local Fonts folder.


Administration Guide: Auto-Generation of Asset Barcodes