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Reporting Module

Standalone Reporting Module is a command-line utility which allows you generate Alloy Discovery reports in silent mode and save them in different output formats (PDF, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and so on).

NOTE: Available output formats are different depending on the format of source report.

Using Reporting Module, you can generate any report that exists in Alloy Discovery without starting Desktop App, launching the report generation and specifying all necessary parameters from the command line. Later on, you can use these reports for different purposes; for example, you can publish them to the Web, send them via e-mail, etc.

The Reporting Module is installed into the Alloy Discovery's installation folder (typically, C:\Program Files\Alloy Software\Alloy Discovery 2024\Bin); the name of its executable file is ReportCmd.exe.

For instructions on producing reports, see Using the Reporting Module.

You can also use this standalone module for batch-generating multiple reports at once (see Batch-Generating and Scheduling Reports).