Administration Guide

E-mail Parsing and Conversion

E-mail parsing is an internal process of analyzing the contents of e-mail messages and extracting its data elements in accordance with certain rules.

E-mail conversion is an internal process of creating or updating Alloy Navigator objects using the information extracted from e-mail messages. All tasks for creating and updating objects are performed through workflow Service Actions for the Mail Connector.

The Mail Connector offers several pre-configured rules for e-mail parsing and converting, suitable for general use. We recommend that you learn how these rules work and configure the basic Mail Connector settings, so that you can start using the Mail Connector right away.

The Mail Connector offers pre-configured rules for e-mail parsing and converting, which are usually sufficient. When configuring basic Mail Connector settings, all you need is to enable these default rules. We recommend that you learn how these rules work, so that you can start using the Mail Connector right away.

INFO: For details on configuring the basic Mail Connector settings, see Configuring Mail Connector Settings.

If the defaults are not enough, you can tailor the Mail Connector by customizing any aspect of its default basic configuration. In addition, if you need to have several e-mail accounts for receiving users’ requests, you should also configure advanced Mail Connector settings.

INFO: For instructions, see: Configuring Parsing Rules

INFO: For instructions, see: Configuring Processing Statements

INFO: For instructions, see: Customizing Incoming E-mail Handling

INFO: For instructions, see: Processing Incoming E-mail