Online Help

Managing Alert Log

In the Logs > Alert Log section of the Settings App, you can view the list of log records about alerts, open the log record's details, and remove all the Alert Log records.

NOTE: You can also open the Alert log from the Desktop App, by clicking Tools > Alert Log. In this case, you can only view and refresh the data. If you need to clear the records, open the Alert Log from the Settings App.

By default, each entry in the list contains the following information about a particular log record:

  • Server Name - the Inventory Server instance generated the log record.

  • Log Date - the date and time when the record was logged.

  • Alert Name - the alert name.

  • Subject - the system event that logged the record.

NOTE: By default, the Sent successfully field is not included in the grid view for log records. To show the Sent successfully column in the Alert Log grid you should modify the view configuration and add the Sent successfully field.

To view the details of a log record:

To clear the Alert Log:

  • Click Clear All. All Alert Log records are deleted.

NOTE: Under the Logs > Settings section, you can configure Alloy Discovery to remove old log files and records automatically (for details, see Configuring log settings).

To refresh the view:

  • The view automatically refreshes every ten seconds. If needed, you can refresh it manually by clicking Refresh (or pressing F5 on the keyboard).