Managing Inventory Servers
Updated in 2021.1
Updated in 2022.1
This article describes how to use the Services > Inventory Servers section of the Settings App to view the list of all Inventory Servers registered in the Alloy Discovery database and configure Inventory Server performance settings.
Each record in the Inventory Services list contains details about a particular Inventory Server instance. The icon indicates the state of the server:
- active (the Inventory Server instance is running)
- not active (the Inventory Server instance is stopped or uninstalled)
NOTE: The Settings App only displays the state of Inventory Server instances. To start, stop, or restart an Inventory Server, use the Inventory Server Manager tool on the computer hosting the instance. For details, see Inventory Server Manager.
For each server instance in the list, the following information is available:
Name - the name of the computer hosting the Inventory Server instance.
Version - the Inventory Server version.
Audit Tools Version- the version of Alloy Audit Tools running on the instance.
Startup Account - the Inventory Server startup account.
Check Time - the last time the server confirmed its active status. If the last check time is more than one minute old, the server is considered inactive, and its status icon turns grayed-out.
Primary - indicates the primary instance.
Each entry of the list contains details about a particular Inventory Server instance. This statistic is presented in the Inventory Server [Server Name] window, where you can view server properties, and manage the server performance.
To view the details of an Inventory Server instance:
Double-click the Inventory Server record to bring up the Inventory Server [Server Name] window.
Alternatively, you can right-click the server record and choose Open from the pop-up menu.
To tune the performance of an Inventory Server instance:
Double-click the Inventory Server record to bring up the Inventory Server [Server Name] window.
In the Performance section, configure the instance to perform multiple different Inventory Server tasks simultaneously.
Click OK.
To set an Inventory Server instance as primary, do one of the following:
Right-click the required Inventory Server instance and choose Actions > Set as Primary Server from the pop-up menu.
Choose Actions > Set as Primary Server from the Module menu.
Double-click the Inventory Server record to bring up the Inventory Server [Server Name] window and select the Primary server check box there.
NOTE: To learn how designating a primary Inventory Server instance can enhance your operations, see this page.
To delete an Inventory Server record from the list:
After you have uninstalled an Inventory Server instance, you may want to delete its record from the list. Select the instance and click the Delete button
NOTE: You can delete only "Not Active" (uninstalled) Inventory Server instances.
To refresh the Inventory Server list:
Click Refresh, or right-click anywhere in the list and choose Refresh from the pop-up menu.