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Alloy Self-Service mobile app configuration

Introduced in 2022.1

Alloy Self-Service mobile app 1.0

Alloy Self-Service is our native app that gives end-users mobile access to the self-service module of Alloy Navigator Express. This page describes what the Alloy Self-Service mobile app configuration includes, where you can access it, and what customizations are available.

Alloy Self-Service mobile app is available for iOS and Android mobile devices on App Store and Google Play.

INFO: For requirements, see Installation Guide: Mobile clients.

INFO: For instructions on how to set up the Alloy Self-Service mobile app, see How-to: How to set up Alloy Self-Service (for administrators).

The Alloy Self-Service mobile app configuration is an XML document that contains ready-to-use settings for the mobile app. The configuration is stored in the Alloy Navigator Express database, and you can access and manage it from the Settings App.

The configuration settings include:

To customize the Alloy Self-Service mobile app configuration:

  1. Go to Services > Mobile Applications and open the SelfServiceMobile record. The Mobile Application [SelfServiceMobile] dialog box opens.

    NOTE: If you do not have the [SelfServiceMobile] record under Mobile Applications, you can import the Alloy Self-Service mobile configuration using the desktop Settings App. For the download link and instructions, see How-to: Alloy Self-Service for administrators.

  2. The configuration is available in the Configuration field. It is an XML document, where all configuration entries are wrapped inside the <Data> and </Data> tag pair. For details, see the table below.

    IMPORTANT: We recommend that you export the default configuration to an external XML file before making any changes. A backup would help revert your changes and reset all settings to defaults.

    Section Elements and attributes Description


    <ObjectsView Name="View Name">
    		<Field Name="Field_Name"/>
    		<SortBy FieldName="Field_Name"/>
    		<SQL WHERE clause>

    The section defines views for displaying lists of objects. Views are grouped by the objects they apply to.

    • ObjectsView Name - the name of the view, as it appears in the mobile app.

    • Fields - the list of object fields the view shows (as columns). You can add new fields, change their display order, and remove unwanted fields from the view.

      TIP: For correct field names, go to General > Fields > [Object Class] in the Settings App and double-click the desired field. The physical field name is in the Field Name field on the General tab.

    • Filter - the filtering expression, specified as a valid SQL WHERE clause (without the word WHERE) that the mobile app uses to select records to display.


    <Module Name="Module"/>

    Available attributes:

    • Tickets
    • Library
    • Approvals
    • KnowledgeBase
    • Announcements
    • Assets

    The section contains Alloy Navigator Express modules available in the mobile app.

    To disable a module, comment out the module line in the configuration file. For example, to disable the Equipment Lending Library module, wrap the Library line inside the <!-- and --> tags:

    <Module Name="Library"/>

    When a module is disabled, its link disappears from the home screen.

    TIP: You may need to restart the API to apply your changes.

  3. In most cases, leave the URL Mask field blank. This field stores the API URL associated with the Alloy Self-Service mobile app. When you have a single API backend associated with this mobile app, there is no need to specify the URL here.

    However, if you need to have different configurations for different API endpoints, you can explicitly specify the API endpoint URL or its significant part in the URL Mask field. This requires you to have more than one API modules configured.

  4. Click OK to close the window and save your changes, if any. Alloy Navigator Express will check the syntax of the XML configuration file before saving.