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Configuring Mail Connector settings

Introduced in 2023.1

To access the Mail Connector job settings, from the Sidebar, navigate to the E-mail Processing > Mail Connector section.

Configuring mail server settings for the Mail Connector job

A Mail Connector job integrates with a single e-mail account for incoming messages. You can use a POP3, IMAP4 e-mail account, use an Microsoft Exchange e-mail account (MAPI and EWS protocols are supported) or Microsoft Exchange Online account (MS Graph and EWS API integration is supported). Depending on the type of your account, specify the mail server settings as follows:

Customizing the job schedule for the Mail Connector job

Mail Connector jobs has the default schedule, which you can customize as needed.

  1. Under Schedule, click Change to bring up the Schedule window.

  2. Configure a schedule for the job. You can set the job occurrence (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly), daily frequency, and duration (start and end date). For details, see Setting the schedule.

Configuring incoming e-mail handling for the Mail Connector job

For an IMAP4 or MS Exchange server, you can configure how incoming messages should be treated after processing. For a POP3 server, the configuration is not available: after processing, incoming messages are always deleted from a mailbox.

To configure incoming e-mail handling:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to E-mail Processing > Mail Connector.

  2. In the Incoming E-mail Handling section, configure how to treat original e-mail messages after processing:

For IMAP4 and MS Exchange:

    1. Under When an object is created or modified successfully:

      • If you want to mark processed e-mail messages as read and keep them on the mail server, select the Mark the message as read check box. Otherwise the Mail Connector will attempt to process those messages again next time the task runs.

      • If you want to mark processed e-mail messages as deleted, select the Mark the message as deleted check box. Otherwise they will remain in the mail folder in Read state.

    1. To purge deleted messages from the mailbox at the end of the session, select the Purge the deleted messages at the end of session check box. Otherwise, messages marked for deletion will remain in the mailbox’s Deleted folder.

  1. Click Save.

Configuring the profile account for the Mail Connector job (for MAPI only)

MAPI support is being deprecated. Please use EWS for Exchange on-premises or migrate your mailbox to Exchange Online.

If you use the Microsoft Exchange Server and you want to process several Microsoft Exchange accounts for receiving users’ requests, you must create multiple Mail Connector jobs, providing an individual job for each Microsoft Exchange account. This scenario may require you to configure a profile account for each job. For details, see MAPI e-mail profile for integration with Microsoft Exchange.

  • ClosedTo specify a dedicated Windows account to access the MAPI profile:

    Before you begin:

    Make sure that both the Automation Server startup account and the Microsoft Exchange account meet these requirements:

    Automation Server startup account requirements:

    1. The Automation Server startup account must belong to the local Administrators group on the Automation Server computer.

    2. The Automation Server startup account cannot be the LocalSystem account.

    3. The Automation Server startup account must have the "Replace a process level token" and "Adjust memory quotas for a process" user rights.

    Microsoft Exchange account requirements:

    1. The Microsoft Exchange account must have the ”Log on as a batch job” user right.

    2. If you plan to use MAPI:
    On the computer hosting the Automation Server, you must create an Outlook profile for the Microsoft Exchange account. The profile must be created using a 64-bit edition of Microsoft Outlook. For details, see Creating the mail profile for integration with Microsoft Exchange.

    TIP: You can assign user rights to the account as follows:

    1. Log on as an administrator on the computer where the Automation Server is installed.

    2. Open the Local Security Policy.

    3. In the Local Policies, go to User Rights Assignment and double-click the desired user right.

    4. Add the desired account to the list of users that have this right.

    5. Click OK.

    6. Restart the Automation Server. For instructions, see Starting and stopping the Automation Server.

    To configure the Mail Connector job to run under a dedicated Windows account:

    1. On the Settings tab of the Mail Connector window, under Profile Account select This account, click the Find button and select the Microsoft Exchange account that you have chosen earlier.

    2. Click OK to close the Select User window.

    IMPORTANT: The profile must be created using a 64-bit version of Microsoft Outlook. For details, see Creating the mail profile for integration with Microsoft Exchange.

    1. Click Test Connection to verify that the Mail Connector can connect to the specified mail account.