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Starting and stopping the Automation Server

The Automation Server is a Windows service that run various automated tasks you define in Alloy Navigator Express. Typically, the Automation Server and the Settings App are installed on separate computers. The Automation Server icon in the Settings App status bar indicates the status of the Automation Server:

  • - the Automation Server is running

  • - the Automation Server is stopped or not installed

You can start, stop, and restart the Automation Server as follows:

For Alloy Navigator Express On-Prem

  1. On the computer where the Automation Server is installed, launch the Alloy Automation Server Manager. You can start it from the Alloy Control Panel or using the Start menu.

  2. View the server status at the top of the window.

  3. Use the Start, Stop, or Restart buttons for starting, stopping, or restarting the Automation Server.

If a second Automation Server is installed and configured, the High Availability Mode section appears in Settings > Services > Automation Server. In this section, the right-click menu includes an additional option Set as Primary. For more information, see High Availability (HA).

You can view any errors related to starting and using the Automation Server service in Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Application. The service's source name is AlloyAutomationServer.

TIP: You can also manage the Automation Server using the MMC Computer Management snap-in (go to Services and Applications > Services > Alloy Automation Server and click Start/Stop/Pause/Resume).