Online Help | Web App

Configuring Google Mail with OAuth settings

Introduced in 2023.1

This article will take you through the process of configuring the Mail Connector settings when you are using Google Mail with OAuth authentication.

Create or use existing project in Google Cloud:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console (

  2. Create a new project or select an existing one that you want to use for this integration.

Enable Gmail API:

  1. In the Google Cloud Console, navigate to APIs & Services > Library.

  2. Click on Gmail API.

  3. Click the Enable button to add Gmail API to the list of available APIs for your project.

Create OAuth Client IDs:

  1. In the Google Cloud Console, navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials.

  2. Click on + CREATE CREDENTIALS and select OAuth client ID.

  3. Choose Desktop application or Web application as the application type.

  4. (Applicable to Web applications only): Add to the Redirect URI list (with the mandatory slash at the end) for the Web app credentials.

  5. As the application will be in Testing mode without Google verification, ensure that the OAuth consent screen is configured accordingly.

  6. Add all Gmail accounts that the app will have access to (whose mailboxes it will read) to the Test Users list on the OAuth consent screen.

Obtain Client ID and Client Secret:

Once the Web application type credentials are created, note down the Client ID and Client Secret from the Credentials page. These will be used in the Google Mail settings in Alloy Navigator Express.

Configure Mail Connector settings in Alloy Navigator Express:

  1. In Alloy Navigator Express's Admin center or Settings App, proceed to E-Mail Processing > Mail Connector and click New.

  2. Choose Google Mail (IMAP4) as the mail server type for incoming mail.

  3. Make sure that in the Server Name field the name of Google's IMAP server and the port number 993 are pre-populated.

  4. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret obtained from the Google Cloud Console.

  5. Click the Sign in hyperlink to sign in to the Gmail account for the Mail Connector. If you're already signed in with another account, you can change it by clicking the Change hyperlink and choosing the account you need.

  6. Specify which folder on the server the Mail Connector will monitor for incoming messages. The default folder is Inbox. If needed, you can use a subfolder, such as Inbox/Support.

  7. Click Test Connection to confirm that the Mail Connector can connect to the specified mail service.

Final steps:

  1. Review the settings to ensure they are accurate.

  2. Save the configuration and start using the Google Mail (IMAP4) connector to manage your Gmail account.

Keep your OAuth credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) secure and avoid sharing them publicly. OAuth enables secure access to your Google account without exposing your login credentials to the Mail Connector.