Configuring languages for the Self Service Portal
Introduced in 2024.2
The Languages page under Apps and Portals > Self Service Portal allows you to manage language settings for your Self Service Portal, ensuring accessibility for a global audience.
Here, you can:
Choose a default language
Under Default language, set the primary display language for the portal. This language will be used if a user's browser locale does not match any of the installed languages or if no specific language is configured in their profile.
Install additional languages
Under Additional languages, install and enable additional language packs to provide users with more options. The portal automatically detects the user’s browser locale and applies the corresponding language if it matches an installed pack. Alternatively, users can manually select a language in their profile.
The applied language determines the regional settings for dates, times, and number formats. However, users can override these defaults in their profiles by applying the regional settings from their browser's locale.
Export languages
Click the three vertical dots next to a language to export, then select Export to download the language pack as a JSON file.
Delete languages
Click the three vertical dots next to a language to delete, then select Delete to uninstall the language from the portal.
Import languages
If a language you need is not included by default, contact our Support Team to request a ready-to-use JSON file for the language you need. To upload a custom language to the Self Service Portal, use the Import language option to install the JSON language pack provided by the Support Team.
ABOUT CURRENCY FORMAT: The currency symbol displayed in the portal is independent of the selected interface language. Alloy Navigator Express displays currency values using the global currency format specified in the Settings App, under