New Tile / Tile Properties window
This window allows you to specify properties for a new or existing Counters widget tile. It contains the following fields and controls:
NOTE: If you (or other Settings App users) previously saved a tile style as default, the new tile's properties are populated with default values.
Name - the tile name, which identifies it in the Counters Widget Properties window.
Align - the tile position within a row: Left, Right, or Entire Row.
NOTE: When you want to display two tiles within a row, the first tile must be aligned left, and the second right.
Spacing - the vertical spacing in pixels, which effectively determines the tile height.
Color - the background color for the tile.
Data tab - specifies the content for the tile's Label, Metric, and Trend. It contains the following fields and controls:
Text - specifies a static text that will be displayed in the tile. Most likely, you want to use this mode for Label.
SQL Script - specifies a custom SQL script. Most likely, you want to use this mode for Metric and Trend. In these cases, a SQL script must return a number, for example:
NOTE: You can use the <Current User> and <Current Organization> placeholders in the SQL script.
Display Properties tab - specifies the tile layout and contains the following controls:
Layout - the order in which a label, metric, and trend are displayed within the tile.
Trend Calculation - a format for calculating Trend:
Previous Metric - displays Trend as is, i.e. as specified in the Data tab.
% of Previous Metric - displays the ratio between Metric and Trend. Formula: (Metric/Trend)*100 (%).
Increase - displays the increase of Trend relative to Metric.
% Increase - displays the percentage change between Metric and Trend. Formula: (Metric/Trend - 1)*100 (%).
Trend Symbol - specifies signs for displaying Trend direction.
Symbol Position - a position of a Trend Symbol: left or right to the number.
Decimal Digits(for Metric and Trend) - the number of decimal digits for displaying numeric values.
Font - the font for Label/Metric/Trend. The Set Font button opens a dialog box where you can specify the font.
Align - the alignment for Label/Metric/Trend within the tile: Left, Right, or Center.
Save Style as Default - saves the current tile properties as default values for new tiles.
NOTE: The default style is saved globally for all users of the Settings App.
Refresh Preview button - refreshes data in the Preview section, where you can see how the tile will look according to the specified settings and the data it is built on.