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Form layout format

Introduced in 2023.2

The layout of Alloy Navigator forms is represented as a hierarchical JSON structure that consists of an array of form elements. Each form element is an object with specific properties that define its behavior and appearance within the layout. Among these properties only type is mandatory, while the rest are optional. All the available properties are described below:

Type property

type is a key property that describes the type of the form element. This is the only mandatory property. It has a predefined set of possible values that can be split into two lists:

The first list includes these basic (or elementary) components that serve as building blocks to create a form. Those are:

  • tabs

  • tab

  • row

  • column

  • container

  • field

  • calculatedField

  • label

  • button

INFO: For details about each elementary component, see Basic UI elements.

The second list consists of more advanced (or complex) components that are specific to particular forms. These components are typically large, self-contained sections of the form that can only be manipulated as a whole. These components are as follows:

  • grid

  • feedback

  • activity

  • modificationInfo

  • customData

  • serviceInfo

  • assosiatedInfo

  • assetCategorization

  • vendorInfo

  • licenseSummary

  • licenseRestrictions

  • trackedSoftwareSummary

INFO: For details about each complex component, see Advanced UI elements.

Optional properties
  • key: A unique identifier for the form element. Its usage varies depending on the element's type. For certain types, like tab, field, calculatedField, and grid, it is mandatory. For other types, it is optional string.

  • caption: String property that allows for the customization of the element's displayed name. This is particularly useful for elements of type container.

  • mandatory: Boolean property that can be used to override the requirement for filling in a field. It is applicable to elements of type field.

  • readonly: Boolean property that can be used to override the ability to edit or change the value of a field. It is applicable to elements of type field.

  • customMarking: This property is used for elements of type tab. It specifies custom markings for tabs, such as bullet or counter.

  • container: An object property used to describe settings for elements of type container. It includes properties like showHeader (a boolean indicating header visibility) and collapsible" (a boolean indicating the ability to collapse the container's contents).

  • component: A property used for elements of type tab to specify the content or functionality associated with the tab. Values like layout, notes, resolution, and others determine the tab's behavior.

  • styles: String property that allows for the customization of styles associated with the form element, such as column width.

  • items: Nested array property used for certain types like tabs, tab, row, column, and container. It allows for the inclusion of additional form elements within the current element. For example, inside a tabs element, only tab elements can be included. row and column types help arrange form elements horizontally or vertically, respectively, and container is used to group other form elements together.