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Adding Ticket fields

Technicians use the All Tickets grid for working with Tickets of all classes in one place. By default, All Tickets shows only the fields that shared by all Ticket classes, such as Status, Assignee, Requester, Priority, etc. This also applies to the My Tickets grid, which is a filtered version of the All Tickets grid.

You can supplement the All Tickets / My Tickets grid with any fields of any Ticket classes, including user-defined fields (UDFs). Added Ticket fields will be available in the Customize View dialog box for shared and local views, so you as an administrator or technicians themselves can build customizable data views for the All Tickets and My Tickets grids. For those Ticket classes where added fields are unavailable, the All Tickets and My Tickets grids will show an empty value.

TIP: If you want the All Tickets / My Tickets grid to display a UDF, common to several (or even all) Ticket classes, first add the same user-defined field to the Ticket classes where you need it. Then add this UDF to All Tickets / My Tickets. Note that hidden or encrypted UDFs cannot be added to All Tickets / My Tickets because such fields cannot be visible to technicians.

To add a Ticket field to All Tickets / My Tickets:

  1. Go to General > Fields > All Tickets. Alternatively, you can access all Ticket fields under Workflow and Business Logic > Service Desk > All Tickets/My Tickets > Fields.

  2. Click Add on the Module Toolbar. The Field Properties window opens.

  3. Choose a field from the Field drop-down list. This list contains all fields of all Tickets classes that have not yet been added to the All Tickets / My Tickets grid. Color and gray icons allow you to quickly understand for which Ticket classes the field is available.

    NOTE: As soon as you select a field, its Ticket classes will be explicitly listed below, in the Available for field under Binding.

  4. Under Binding, view the field origin and the Ticket classes where the field is available.

  5. If you want to change the default field label, under Display, type a new name in the Custom Label field.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Save on the toolbar to apply the changes.

    For your changes to take effect, you and other users must restart Alloy Navigator.

NOTE: When you add a user-defined field that has different types in different Ticket classes, the added field will have Memo or String data type, depending on which one better suits the originals.