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Modifying configuration parameters

Configuration parameters are available for quick customization in the desktop Settings App and the web-based Admin Center, within the Workflow Configuration section. For details, see Customizing your workflow configuration.

Under Workflow and Business Logic > Advanced > Configuration Parameters, you can modify parameter properties, such as description, initial value, display order, and others. The display order defines the order in which parameters appear in the Workflow Configuration section and in the Select Placeholder dialog box.

IMPORTANT: Use caution when modifying configuration parameters. Incorrect parameters (for example, an incorrect data type) may break your workflow.

To change a configuration parameter:

  1. Under Workflow and Business Logic > Advanced > Configuration Parameters, double-click the workflow parameter in the list.

    TIP: To quickly find the desired parameter, use a filter box on the right side of the Module menu.

  2. Use the Workflow Parameter window to make modifications as needed. For details, see Workflow Parameter window.

  3. Click OK.

TIP: You can modify workflow parameters on the fly when configuring a workflow item or component. To open the Workflow Parameter window, right-click the selected %[WFP ...]% placeholder and choose Placeholder Definition.

To change the display order of configuration parameters:

  • Select a parameter and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change its display order.

    NOTE: You can move parameters only within their categories.