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Configuring E-mail Notifications

Updated in 2022.1

E-mail Notifications are workflow components that automatically generate email messages according to the specified settings

E-mail Notifications can be used in workflow Actions, Triggers, Functions, and Scheduled Tasks. For details, see Configuring Create Actions, Configuring Steps, Configuring Service Actions, Configuring Functions, Configuring Triggers, and New Scheduled Tasks.

NOTE: Placeholders in E-mail Notifications are replaced with the values that get actual after the whole parent Action or Trigger was executed.

You configure E-mail Notifications in the Workflow and Business Logic > [Module] > [Object Class] > Workflow > Components > E-mail Notifications] section. To configure Scheduled Task E-mail Notifications, go to Services > Scheduled Tasks > Workflow Components > E-mail Notifications.

To configure an E-mail Notification:

  1. In the E-mail Notifications section for the object class, click New. The E-mail Notification window opens. If you want to base the new E-mail Notification on an existing one, select source E-mail Notification and click Copy Item.

  2. On the General tab, you specify the general properties of the E-mail Notification:

    • Object Class (read-only) - the object class for which the E-mail Notification is created. For Scheduled Task E-mail Notification, it is Scheduled Task.

    • ID (read-only) - the identification number of the E-mail Notification.

    • Name (read-only) - the Notification name.

    • Enabled - enables the E-mail Notification. This check box is available only for system notifications.

    • Under Notification, you configure the message to be sent:

      • From - the "From" address for the E-mail Notification. You can keep the default system address or enter a new one.

        NOTE: You can specify a system default From address only when using an SMTP Server for sending e-mail. If you use a Microsoft Exchange Server, you need to enable Alloy Navigator to send notifications on behalf of other users and set up delegate access for the sender you specify here. For details, see Configuring outgoing e-mail.

      • To, CC, BCC - one or several recipient's e-mail addresses in the ToClosed A message is sent to the address in the To field. Recipients in the CC and BCC fields also get the message; however, the BCC addresses are invisible to other recipients , CC, or BCC fields. To specify several recipients, separate addresses with a comma or semicolon (;).

      • Subject - the message subject line.

        NOTE: If you want the Mail Connector to import replies to this notification into the corresponding Alloy Navigator object, its subject line must contain the MessageID Tag system macro. Alloy Navigator may automatically insert this macro in outgoing notifications, or you can insert it manually. For details, see Understanding the Mail Connector and Customizing the MessageID Tag.

      • To insert a placeholder into the From, To, CC, BCC, or Subject fields, click the ellipsis button in the corresponding field (or click in a field and press CTRL+ENTER), and in the Select Placeholder window choose the placeholder that will be replaced with the actual field. For To, CC, and BCC, you can select one of the e-mail-relevant fields from the E-mail Fields category of the Select Placeholder window.

        TIP: If you want to reuse the subject line in other notifications, now you can save this text as a macro by right-clicking anywhere in the Subject field and choosing Create New Macro from the pop-up menu (if you want to reuse only a part of the subject line, select this part before right-clicking). Specify other macro details in the Macro window and click OK. The Subject text would be replaced with the new macro.

        To specify the message contents explicitly:

        • HTML text - sets the HTML output format for the message. Use a standard HTML e-mail editor for text formatting, bold or colored font, bullet lists, images, etc, or edit the message HTML code directly. For details, see HTML formatting.

        • Insert Placeholder - opens the Select Placeholder window where you can choose a placeholder that will be replaced with the actual field value or macro value at runtime.

        TIP: If the message contains a placeholder for multiline text (such as the Object Changes All or Activity List All macros), we recommend that you place this macro in a separate paragraph and then apply the Formatted style to this paragraph. Otherwise, the pre-formatting of this multiline text may be lost when the HTML message is generated.

        TIP: If you want to reuse this message text in other messages, now you can save this text as a macro by right-clicking anywhere in the message contents and choosing Create New Macro from the pop-up menu (if you want to reuse only a part of the message text, select this part before right-clicking). Specify other macro details in the Macro window and click OK. The message text would be replaced with the new macro.

        NOTE: Person pictures inserted in HTML notifications are automatically resized to 96 pixels wide.

        To use an e-mail HTML template (for details, see Building HTML e-mail templates):

        • HTML template - enables you to choose an existing, previously created HTML e-mail template.

        • Template - selects the template.

        • Section and Content rows - the list of section placeholders the selected template contains. To add contents to a section, double-click its row and specify the contents. For details, see Specifying the contents of E-mail Notifications based on templates.

  3. On the Parameters tab, you can define parameters of the E-mail Notification:

    • New - opens the Parameter window where you configure a parameter to assign.

    • Edit - allows to modify the selected parameter.

    • Remove - removes the selected parameter.

    • Move Up - moves the selected parameter up.

    • Move Down - moves the selected parameter down.

    NOTE: When configuring an Action, Trigger, Function, or Scheduled Task that calls this E-mail Notification, its parameters will be listed in the same order.

  4. On the Usage tab, view the workflow Actions, Triggers, Functions, or Scheduled Task that use this E-mail Notification.

    • Open - opens the selected Action, Trigger, Function, or Scheduled Task.

  5. Click OK.