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Archiving Service Desk tickets

Alloy Navigator On-Prem only

Microsoft SQL Server only

As your Service Desk team successfully completes their tasks, the number of closed tickets (Change Requests, Incidents, Problems, Service Requests, and Work Orders) grows, so does the size of your production database. However, these closed tickets are rarely needed for daily activities. To reduce database size, you may want to archive them. This page introduces the Archiving feature and explains how to set up automatic archiving of closed tickets in Alloy Navigator.

How does archiving work?

The Archiving feature automatically moves closed tickets into an archive database and deletes the originals from your production database. You can browse archive databases. view archived tickets, and restore some of them individually.

If you are certain you will not need to access the tickets again, you can configure the feature to permanently purge closed tickets, though this is not recommended.

NOTE: Archiving is not a substitute for regular backups. To back up your database, use tools like Database Backup/Restore Wizard.

Who can use archiving?

The Archiving feature is only available to on-prem customers with the database hosted on Microsoft SQL Server. For cloud (SaaS) instances and databases hosted on Azure services, the Archiving feature is disabled.

What data do archived tickets store?

Archived tickets store all their data except for links to related objects and change history. This means that while you can find all the core details in archived tickets, including attachments, the data presented on the Related Objects and History tabs is purged during the archiving process.

NOTE: There are also some limitations when it comes to restoring archived tickets. For more details on these limitations and the restoration process, see Viewing and restoring archived tickets.

How to set up the Archiving feature?

You can configure archiving closed tickets in the Settings App, under Services > Archiving. The section includes the following pages: