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Managing archiving jobs

Alloy Navigator Enterprise On-Prem only

Microsoft SQL Server only

Archiving jobs regularly check your Alloy Navigator database, and archive and remove closed tickets matching the job’s policy. When an archiving job runs, it creates a new archive database. Archive databases contain archived tickets, where all references to other objects are replaced with text identifying those items.

Alloy Navigator provides default policies for Incidents, Problems, Change Requests, Service Requests, and Work Orders that closed tickets records that have not been modified for at least thirty days. The default policies are initially disabled. You can enable policies for each ticket class separately and adjust the period of inactivity as needed.

A single job policy can include tickets of different classes; each class can have its own time period after which the tickets are considered unused. However, a single job can perform only one action of your choice—either archive and remove or remove unused tickets without archiving. If you want to archive tickets in one case and simply purge records in another, you must create multiple archiving jobs to perform different tasks. For example, one job would archive unused Change Requests after two years and Service Requests after one year, and another job would remove unused Work Orders and Incidents after six months.


You can set up and manage archiving jobs in the Settings App, under Services > Archiving > Archiving.

After an archiving job was run by the Automation Server, you can check the job results. See Checking archiving job results.