
Configure the Alloy Self-Service Assistant bot in Alloy Navigator

Updated in 2022.1

The Alloy Self-Service Assistant bot configuration is an XML document that controls some aspects of the bot's interaction with Alloy Navigator. This article describes how to import the bot configuration to Alloy Navigator, if needed, and how to configure the bot there.

NOTE: If needed, you can download the XML configuration using the download link in the instruction below.

Optional: Import the configuration to Alloy Navigator

The bot configuration must be stored in the database. Starting with version 2022, the default configuration comes with Alloy Navigator. However, the configuration may be missing after the upgrade, because changes to the default workflow do not apply automatically. If you do not have the TeamsBot configuration, you need to import it to Alloy Navigator first.

To import the default TeamsBot configuration:

  1. Click here to download a zip archive containing an XML configuration file for the Alloy Self-Service Assistant bot.

  2. Unzip the archive.

  3. Launch your Alloy Navigator Settings App. For example, open the Alloy Control Panel and click Settings.

  4. In Settings, click Import Settings on the toolbar and import the XML bot configuration file. For detailed instructions, see Help: Importing configuration settings.

Once the import is complete, the imported configuration will be available under Services > Mobile Applications. Its name is TeamsBot.

Configure the bot settings

Typically, the only customization you should make is to replace the example URL with your Self Service Portal's actual address. This will allow users to jump from Teams to the portal to get more details. Alternatively, you can disable direct links to the Self Service Portal. Other customizations are optional.

IMPORTANT: This article describes most recent configuration version. If you already had the XML configuration imported, and your version differs from the one we describe here, see Update the bot configuration in Alloy Navigator to decide whether you need to update to the newest version and see how to update.

  1. In Settings, go to Services > Mobile Applications and double-click TeamsBot. The Mobile Application [TeamsBot] dialog box opens.

  2. The configuration is available in the Configuration field. It is an XML document, where all configuration entries are wrapped inside the <Data> and </Data> tag pair.

    INFO: For detailed information on every configuration entry, see What does the configuration include?

    Element Description
    <Portal URL="SSP URL"

    Connects the bot to your Self Service Portal and controls the availability of Self Service Portal links.

    • URL - defines the SSP URL.

    • Enabled - controls the availability of direct links to the Self Service Portal from Teams:
      • True or not present - SSP links are available.
      • False - SSP links are not available.

    Replace the example value with the actual URL of your Self Service Portal or disable direct links. Otherwise, the links will be broken. For details, see Self Service Portal links.

    <Tickets Enabled="True/False" AltMessage="Message">
    	<CreateAction ID="CreateActionID" 
    	Enabled="True/False" AltMessage="Message"/>
    	<UpdateAction ID="UpdateActionID" 
    	Enabled="True/False" AltMessage="Message"/>

    Specifies which workflow service actions the bot uses in commands for creating and updating tickets and controls the availability of those commands.

    • Enabled - controls the availability of commands for tickets:
      • True or not present - commands are enabled.
      • False - commands are disabled. Attempts to run a command shows the message.
    • AltMessage - the message to show when the command is disabled. For example:

      AltMessage="To create or update tickets, visit [Self Service Portal]("

      If a command is disabled, but its AltMessage text is missing, the bot uses the message text for the Tickets' AltMessage text. If the Tickets' AltMessage text is missing, the bot shows the default built-in message: This action is disabled in the bot configuration.

    For details, see Workflow action for creating tickets and Workflow action for updating tickets.

    <ApprovalRequests Enabled="True/False" AltMessage="Message">
    	<ApproveAction ID="ApproveActionID" 
    	Enabled="True/False" AltMessage="Message"/>
    	<RejectAction ID="RejectActionID" 
    	Enabled="True/False" AltMessage="Message"/>

    Specifies which workflow service actions the bot uses in commands for approving and rejecting approval requests and controls the availability of those commands.

    • Enabled - controls the availability of commands for approval requests:
      • True or not present - commands are enabled.
      • False - commands are disabled. Attempts to run a command shows the message.
    • AltMessage - the message to show when the command is disabled. For example:

      AltMessage="To approve or reject requests, visit [Self Service Portal]("

      If a command is disabled, but the command's AltMessage text is missing, the bot uses the message text for the ApprovalRequests' AltMessage text. If the ApprovalRequests' AltMessage text is missing, the bot shows the default built-in message: This action is disabled in the bot configuration.

    For details, see Workflow actions for approving and rejecting requests.

What's next?

NEXT STEP: Stay in the Settings App to complete the next step. Your next step is to obtain credentials from Alloy Navigator to allow the bot to access Alloy Navigator.

NOTE: If you want to make customization to the bot configuration, see Customize the Alloy Self-Service Assistant bot configuration.