Push Notification
In addition to sending e-mail notifications, Alloy Navigator can send push notifications to mobile devices. A push notification is a text message that appears on a technician's mobile device to alert them about important events, such as ticket escalations or announcements. Tapping the notification opens the target object in the Mobile App.
To configure how to send a push notification:
In the Push Notification window, enter the user you want to receive the notification to the To field. The notification will appear on all devices registered for this technician in Alloy Navigator.
To enter a static value, select a name from the list of technicians.
To enter a dynamic value, click the Expression Builder button to bring up the Build Expression dialog box. Then use the Expression Builder to enter a SQL expression or script. The expression or script must return a single Person IDÂ value.
INFO: For details, see Using the Expression Builder.
TIP: The list of registered mobile devices for a technician is available on the Technician tab of the Person detail window.
In the Title field, enter the notification's title. To insert a placeholder for or dynamic data, click the ellipsis button (or click in the field and press CTRL+ENTER) and choose the desired field or macro in the Select Placeholder dialog box .
INFO: For details, see Inserting Placeholders.
In the Tapping on the notification will open field, choose one of the following options:
To open the current object record, click Current Object (Object Class).
To open another object record, click Another Object and enter a dynamic value: click the Expression Builder button to bring up the Build Expression dialog box. Then use the Expression Builder to enter a SQL expression or script. The expression or script must return a single Object IDÂ value.
Enter the notification text. To insert a placeholder for dynamic data, click Insert Placeholder and choose the desired field or macro in the Select Placeholder dialog box.
Keep the Enable operation check box selected to enable the operation. Otherwise, the operation will be disabled.
Click OK.