Defining Excluded Nodes
If you notice that inventory tasks consistently fail on a particular Node, you can create the list of nodes that are permanently excluded from a Site by specifying the Excluded Nodes list:
Excluded Nodes are not discovered nor audited during the Network Folder Audit, the Remote Audit, Google Directory Audit, or the Direct Network Scan of the Site from which they are excluded.
NOTE: Excluding Nodes from a Site does not affect Portable Audit Sources of that Site because the Portable Audit method is used to audit individual computers manually. For details, see Overview of Audit Methods.
When you add a Node to Excluded Nodes, Alloy Discovery asks you whether you want to also delete that Node from the Site. If the Node belongs to this Site only, deleting the Node from the Site will delete all its inventory information from the Alloy Discovery database. For computers, Alloy Discovery deletes their snapshots. Otherwise, the snapshots will remain listed in other matching Sites.
All audit/discovery tasks for the Excluded Nodes in the Site or in the Audit Source within that Site appear with the "Excluded" status in the Task Progress window.
You can find the list of excluded nodes on the Excluded Nodes tab of the Site [ Site Name ] window. You can add, edit and remove nodes from Excluded Nodes list.
To exclude a Node from a Site:
Do either of the following:
Right-click the Site in the Sites section of the Sidebar and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
Click Sites in the Sidebar, select the Site in the list on the right, and click Edit in the Module Menu.
In the Site [ Site Name ] window, open the Excluded Nodes tab and click New from the module menu.
In the Excluded Node window, do either of the following:
Input the name of the Node to exclude and click OK.
NOTE: You can use the standard wildcards: an asterisk (*) to represent any number of characters, including zero, and the question mark (?) to represent any single character.
Click the ellipsis button
, then from the list of available nodes, select the Node to exclude from the Site and click OK.
NOTE: You can also move a Network Node to Excluded Nodes direct from the Site grid by right-clicking the selected Node and choosing Move to Excluded Nodes from the pop-up menu.
Click OK.
To redefine an excluded Node:
Select an excluded Node from the list, click Edit, edit the name as needed and click OK.
NOTE: You can use the standard wildcards: an asterisk (*) to represent any number of characters, including zero, and the question mark (?) to represent any single character.
To remove a Node from Excluded Nodes:
Select an excluded Node from the list and click the Delete Selected Item(s) icon
. Once a Node is removed, Alloy Discovery gains the ability to re-discover and audit the Node if the respective computer or network device remains in your inventory.
NOTE: If your Site contains E-mail Audit Sources, any changes made on the Excluded Nodes tab have to be manually re-deployed. For details, see Preparing Inventory Analyzer package for an E-mail Audit Source.