System Log Record window
The System Log Record window displays information about the particular System Log record:
Server Name - the specific Inventory Server instance generated the log record.
Log Date - the date and time when the record was logged.
Order - the number of the System Log record.
Category - the category of the system event that logged the record, as follows:
Failure to run service - errors logged by the Inventory Server when it fails to start or encounters ant critical issues. For details, see Managing Inventory Servers.
Audit conflict detected - conflicts detected according to the Conflict Policy when processing audit snapshots. For details, see Conflict Resolution.
Failure to load audit - errors logged by the Inventory Server when it fails to import audit snapshots into the Alloy Discovery database. For details, see Managing Inventory Servers.
Failure to send Notification - errors reported by the Inventory Server when it fails to send out e-mail messages. For details, see Configuring outgoing e-mail.
General - other errors.
Details - the detailed information about a system failure/error.
The Next Item and Previous Item
buttons let you page through the System Log records.
To close the System Log Record window and return to the System Log section, click the Close button.