Online Help | Web App

Inserting images in HTML content

To insert an image when using the embedded HTML editor:

  1. In the Design mode (for details, see Using the HTML editor), click the Image icon .

  2. In the Image Properties window, type URL of the picture file in the URL field.

  3. If you want to specify alternative textAlternative text for an image is shown if the image cannot be displayed. for accessibility, type your text in the Alternative Text field.

  4. Optional: Customize the image appearance specifying its size, alignment and whether it will be captioned:

    • To specify how to align text to the image, select a value from the Alignment list.

    • To add a border around the image, type in a border thickness (in pixels).

    • To add some space left and right and/or top and bottom of the image, type in the horizontal and/or vertical spacing (in pixels).

  5. Click OK.

Alternatively, you can insert an image using a drag-and-drop operation.