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Improving view performance

Updated in 2022.2

Views with a large number of records may affect the performance, especially when the database connection is slow. When your view contains too many records, Alloy Navigator Express retrieves only a portion of data, warning you about the situation and giving you an option to load all records anyway. For better performance, reduce the number of records in the view. This page describes the ways how to do and gives you other suggestions.

TIP: Performance heavily depends on your environment. You may want to change the default limit of records to retrieve in your personal settings. For details, see Change the limit of records to retrieve.

  • Apply advanced filter

    Advanced filter is a permanent solution to show only what you want to see, reducing the number of records in a view and improving its performance.

    To apply an advanced filter, right-click anywhere in the grid and choose Customize View from the context menu. In the Customize View dialog box, go to the Advanced Filter tab and create your filter. You can filter by any fields, including shown in the view and hidden ones. Create your filter with an intuitive graphical editor (as shown in the example below) or switch to the SQL mode and specify a SQL WHERE clause.

    Then save the view to save your changes. For shared views, you may need to save your customized view as a local copy.

    INFO: For detailed instructions on how to use the advanced filter, see Advanced filtering in data grids.

  • Close unneeded tabs

    It might sound obvious, but yes —close any Alloy Navigator Express tabs not being used.

  • Reduce the number of rows on page and show selection dialogs initially empty

    Reducing the number of records (rows) displayed on each page may help improve the performance. However, you will have to move through more pages to see all the records. However, the retrieved records may be not the ones you expect to see. That's why you may want to use this method in a combination with the advanced filter.

    To reduce the number of records on web pages, click your user name on the right top corner and choose Settings. Then enter a lower number in the Number of rows per page field. Clearing the Always prepopulate object selection dialogs with data check box also helps improve the performance.

    INFO: For detailed instructions, see Customizing your personal settings.