Modifying Site Properties
To modify the properties of a Site:
Do either of the following:
Right-click the Site in the Sites section of the Sidebar and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
Click Sites in the Sidebar, select the Site in the list on the right, and click Edit in the Module menu.
Edit the Site name and description, if you need.
NOTE: You cannot edit the tag of an existing Site.
The Automation Server field (read-only) displays the server that controls execution of all inventory operations for this Site.
On the Audit Sources tab, manage the audit sources by using the following methods:
To add a new source, click New, then select the audit method for the new source. Fill out the audit source properties (for details, see Configuring Direct Network Scan Audit Sources, Configuring Network Folder Audit Sources, Configuring E-mail Audit Sources, Configuring FTP Audit Sources and Configuring Portable Audit Sources) and click OK. Alternatively, you can create a copy of an existing audit source: select the source to copy and click Actions > Copy , then edit the source details as needed, and click OK.
To edit an existing audit source, select the source in the list and click Edit. Edit the audit source properties as needed and click OK.
To delete an audit source, select it in the list and click the Delete Selected Item(s) icon
On the Excluded Nodes tab, manage the list of excluded nodes. For details, see Defining Excluded Nodes.
Click OK.