Online Help | Network Inventory

Capturing Screenshots on Remote Computers

Alloy Remote Screenshot is a Network Inventory build-in tool for capturing screenshots on remote Windows computers. Integration with this tool (for details, see Integrations) allows you to check what is going on the desktop of a remote user from the Network Inventory application. Then you can save the screenshot as an image file. Alloy Remote Screenshot works silently and does not require any configuration changes on remote computers.

To access a remote computer and capture a screenshot of its desktop, you must provide credentials for a user account that is a member of the local Administrators group on the target computer (either directly or through the membership in a Windows domain group, see Remote Screenshot [Computer Name] window). When the remote computer is locked, turned off or can not be reached by any reason, you receive the corresponding message and the operation will be canceled.

The name of the executable file is Screenshot.exe that is installed in the \Program Files\Alloy Software\Alloy Navigator Express 2024\Bin folder.

To capture a screenshot on a remote computer:

  1. In the All Nodes or Computers grid, select the target computer to observe.

  2. Click Tools > Integrations > Screenshot from the main menu, the Remote Screenshot [Computer Name] window opens.

NOTE: Alternatively, you can click Screenshot on the Preview Pane or right-click the computer and select Integrations > Screenshot from the pop-up menu.

  1. Provide credentials for administrative access to the remote computer (for details, see Remote Screenshot [Computer Name] window). If the remote machine has multiple active logon sessions, you can select the desired session to access by clicking it in the Select Session - [Computer Name] window.

  1. When the connection to the remote desktop succeeded, the on-screen preview appears in the Remote Screenshot - [Computer Name - User Name - Timestamp] window (where Computer Name is the name of the remote computer, and User Name is the name of the user currently logged on to the remote computer, Timestamp is the date and time of the currently captured screenshot). In the opened window, work with the screenshot as needed (for details, see Using the Alloy Screenshot menu bar).

  2. Click File > Exit to disconnect the desktop.

Using the Alloy Screenshot menu bar

The Remote Screenshot - [Computer Name - User Name - Timestamp] window shows an on-screen preview of the remote desktop and allows you to perform various actions using the menu bar: copy the screenshot to the clipboard, fine-tune the display options, set the desired image resolution and, refresh the preview, save the screenshot as an image file on your local computer.

ClosedTo save the screenshot as an image file:

  1. Click File > Save as from the menu bar.

  2. Specify the file name and select the destination folder for the screenshot.

ClosedTo copy the screenshot to the clipboard:

  • Click Edit > Copy from the menu bar.

ClosedTo refresh the screenshot:

  • Click the Refresh button on the menu bar (or press F5).

ClosedTo change the screenshot's display:

  • Choose one of the following options:

    • Click Options from the menu bar, and then choose Actual Size from the drop-down list.

    • Click Options from the menu bar and choose Fit to Window from the drop-down list.

ClosedTo add the timestamp to a filename:

  • Click Options from the menu bar and choose Add Timestamp to Filename from the drop-down list.

ClosedTo change image quality:

  • Click Options and choose the desired image quality (High/Medium/Low Quality) from the drop-down list. The chosen label appears selected with the check mark in the list.

NOTE: You can get a full-sized screenshot with maximum resolution by selecting High Quality.