Network Inventory User's Guide

Adding Google Audit Credentials

Google audit credentials contain authentication information for Network Inventory to access Google Admin API which provides information on Chromebooks enrolled in the domain.

INFO: For details on enrolling Chromebooks, see Google support documentation at

NOTE: Managing Chromebooks requires you to have a G Suite account and Google Admin SDK with the API access enabled. For details, see Help: Google Directory Audit.

You can create multiple credential records and use them as needed for the Google Directory Audits of various Sites.

INFO: For details, see Providing Audit Credentials.

To add a new record for Google audit credentials, follow the steps:

  1. Select Audit > Audit Settings from the main menu. The Audit Settings dialog box opens.

  2. Using the navigation bar, navigate to Audit Credentials.

  3. Click New > Google. The [Credentials Name] dialog box opens.

  4. Specify credentials:
    • Type in your Google Client ID and API Client Secret in the corresponding Client ID and Client Secret fields.

      NOTE: We recommend that you load both parameters from your client_id.json file using the Load button.

      INFO: For details on creating the Client ID and Client Secret parameters, see Directory API: Getting Started.

    • Click Authorize to sign in to your Google account and configure client permissions by clicking the Allow button.

      INFO: For details on managing Chromebook, see the Google support documentation at

  5. Specify a unique name which Network Inventory will use to identify this credential record.

  6. Click OK.

You have the flexibility to use Google audit credentials for an entire network segment or to override this setting with different credentials for individual Chromebooks.