Online Help | Web App

Keyboard shortcuts

Updated in 2023.1

Updated in 2024

This page describes shortcut keys available in Alloy Navigator Web App.

Shortcut key Action


In a text field, insert a snippet using the Snippets dialog box.


On the Attachments tab, paste the image that you have previously copied to the clipboard to attach it to the object.

TAB ↹ Navigate through all controls on the web page.
SPACE On the Related Objects map, expand or collapse the selected relation. For details, see Viewing the Related Objects map.

CTRL+[Filed Value]

In the Customize View > Filter tab, press and hold CTRL to select multiple field values in a filtering condition.

For example: Assignee equals [User 1] OR [User 2] OR [User 3]


Navigate to an Alloy Navigator object by its ID. For example, go to a ticket by its number, an asset by its tag, or a KB article by its ID. For details, see Accessing objects by ID.


Automatically moves the cursor to the filter box, allowing you to start typing your search term right away.

NOTE: This shortcut works only in data views.