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Adjusting the API time zone

Introduced in 2024.2

For Alloy Navigator On-Prem

To accurately handle date and time values, such as ticket due dates or asset received dates, the API module needs to know the correct time zone. By default, it uses the time zone of the IIS server where the API is installed, which is usually the same as the SQL Server hosting the database. However, if SQL Server and IIS are on separate machines, we recommend configuring the API module to match the SQL Server's time zone to avoid discrepancies. You can adjust this setting in the Admin Center, and this page provides detailed instructions. This step is particularly important for on-prem customers with a distributed deployment.

INFO: For details on using the time zone in date and time values, see the API User’s Guide: Date and Time Format.

  1. In the Admin Center, navigate to Apps and Portals > API > Timezone.

  2. Choose the timezone for Alloy Navigator from the dropdown list. This must be the timezone that your database uses.

  3. Click Save, Your changes will take effect within minutes after saving.