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Service Levels

Updated in 2024

For each Service, you can add as many Service Levels as you need. Service Level is an attribute of SLA, which describes the relationships between the service provider and receivers.

You edit Service Level properties in the Service Level window.

You can access this window from the corresponding Service window as follows:

  • To add a new Service Level, click New in the Levels section.

  • To edit an existing Service Level, double-click this Service Level in the Levels section.

This window displays the following fields and sections:

  • Service Level: The Service Level name.

  • Rank: The order in which the Service Levels are listed in the Service Level drop-down list in the SLA window.

  • Description: The text description for the Service Level.

  • Priority Calculation matrix: Defines the Ticket's Priority for each combination of Urgency and Impact values. To fill out or modify the matrix, click in the cell and select a Priority value from the drop-down list.

    The Priority Calculation matrix for Service Levels does not display inactive items (such as inactive impact, urgency, and priority values) by default, and these items cannot be used in calculations. If you need to use inactive items, enable the Show inactive items toggle to make them appear.

    Enabling the Show inactive items toggle can be useful if values were previously selected through workflows or chosen when they were still active. While these values become unavailable for selection in drop-down menus once inactive, they may still be used in objects. Priority calculations will include these inactive values, ensuring accurate results regardless of their current status.

    For example, if a priority value of Moderate was assigned to some tickets and later became inactive, those tickets with the Moderate priority remain. Consequently, the time calculation table for Moderate also remains and needs to be accessible.

  • Ticket Response and Resolutions Targets matrix: Defines the target Response Time and Resolution Time for each priority level. To fill out or modify the Response Time and Resolution Time for a Priority, double-click the row corresponding to this priority and make the necessary changes in the Response Parameters window.

  • Support Hours: Allows you to associate the Service Level with a work calendar. Work calendars describe working and non-working days, regular working hours, and any exceptions, such as holidays and non-standard working hours. Typically, the work calendar you select here is used to calculate the Response Date and Due Date of the relevant Tickets. The work calendars are defined by your Alloy Navigator administrator. If this field is blank, the default work calendar is used.