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Calculating Ticket's priority, response date, and due date

Updated in 2024

Typically, when you create or update a Ticket, Alloy Navigator automatically calculates and fills out the Priority, Response Date, and Due Date fields according to the degree of Ticket importance and the terms of service provided to the requester individually, or to the requester’s organization or group. This auto-calculation is based on the values specified in the Organization, Service, Urgency, and Impact Ticket’s fields.

Alloy Navigator usually populates these fields as follows:

  1. Alloy Navigator searches for the Service Level Agreement (SLA) that covers the Service being delivered to the selected Person, Group, or Organization. It can be either an SLA with this person, group, or organization specified as a service receiver or, if such an SLA is not found, a global SLA for this Service. For details on SLAs and their properties, see SLA records.

  2. Alloy Navigator fills out the Priority field based on the values specified of the Urgency and Impact fields. This is done according to the Priority Calculation matrix of the Service Level within the found SLA. For details on managing Service Levels, see Service Levels.

    Enabling the Show inactive items toggle can be useful if values were previously selected through workflows or chosen when they were still active. While these values become unavailable for selection in drop-down menus once inactive, they may still be used in objects. Priority calculations will include these inactive values, ensuring accurate results regardless of their current status.

  3. Based on the calculated Priority, Alloy Navigator populates the Response Date and Due Date fields. This is done according to the corresponding Response Time and Resolution Time values according to the Ticket Response and Resolutions Targets matrix of the Service Level within the found SLA. The dates are calculated starting from the Submit Date of the ticket and using the work calendar chosen in the Support Hours field of the Service Level. When the work calendar is not specified, Alloy Navigator uses the default work calendar. Work calendars are defined by your Alloy Navigator administrator.

NOTE: If the Service of the Ticket is not specified, the system will be unable to find the SLA covering the Ticket and auto-calculate its fields. If the Response Time and Resolution Time values of the Ticket Response and Resolutions Targets matrix are not specified, the system will substitute the date and time of Ticket submission into the Response Date and Due Date fields.

NOTE: Alloy Navigator calculates Ticket's priority, response date, and due date using the workflow that your Alloy Navigator administrator has defined. The administrator may define different auto-calculation rules or disable the auto-calculation.