Change Calendar
The Change Calendar is a global calendar view for Change Requests that enables you to efficiently schedule changes in your organization.
This calendar displays scheduled start and end dates for Change Requests, and various events that may affect planned changes. These events are called Change Management Events, and you and other technicians can add, modify, and delete these Change Management Events right on the Change Calendar.
To access the Change Calendar, select
NOTE: To refresh the calendar, press F5.
Filtering Change Requests in the calendar
The Change Calendar displays Change Requests as bars from their Scheduled Start Date (or Start Date, if specified) to Scheduled End Date (or End Date, if specified). You can filter the Change Requests in the calendar to display only those that belong to one or more particular Types, Categories, Statuses, Projects, or assigned to particular technicians.
Configuration panes with filters will show the asterisk in their title bars.
Scheduling Change Management Events
A Change Management Event is any event that can affect your Change Request workflow, such as a planned outage or a maintenance window. The Change Calendar enables you to create, modify, and delete these Change Management Events, so that you and other technicians can quickly visualize when some events conflict with the scheduled Change Requests or when there is a maintenance window for changes.
You can manage Change Management Events as follows:
Viewing and rescheduling Change Requests
The Change Calendar shows Change Requests flow from their Scheduled Start Date to Scheduled End Date and enables you to reschedule or re-assign them before the work actually begins.
As soon as the change begins, a Change Request gets the Start Date value, and the calendar displays that Start Date instead of the Scheduled Start Date. When the Change Request is completed, the technician specifies the Completed Date value, and the calendar displays that Completed Date instead of the Scheduled End Date.
The Start Date and Completed Date are fixed, and you cannot "move" them.
Switching between work calendars
If your organization has multiple offices with different work calendars, you can switch between their calendars and see scheduled changes for any office in the Change Calendar.
NOTE: Alloy Navigator administrators can manage work calendars in the Settings App. For details, see Setting up work calendars.
Change Management Event window
You use the Change Management Event window to view, add or modify an event that can affect your Change Request workflow, such as a planned outage or a maintenance window. Change Management Events are displayed on the Change Calendar as colored time-bars. You can assign a desired color for the event.
Name - the event name.
Description - the description for the event.
Color - the color for the event bar on the calendar. You can select the desired color from the drop-down list. and select one of standard colors or define a custom one using the Color window.
Start Date and Time - the start date and time for the event. To specify a date, click the down arrow in the Start Date field to bring up the calendar and select a date.
End Date and Time - the end date and time for the event. To specify a date, click the down arrow in the End Date field to bring up the calendar and select a date.