Creating or modifying Alloy Discovery Synchronization jobs
You create or modify an Alloy Discovery Synchronization job using the Alloy Discovery Synchronization window.
To create or modify an Alloy Discovery Synchronization job:
On the Settings tab, you configure the general job settings:
Name - Default names for Alloy Discovery Synchronization jobs are "Alloy Discovery Connector", "Alloy Discovery Connector (1)", "Alloy Discovery Connector (2)", etc. You can assign a special name for every job, as needed.
Enabled - enables auto-running the job.
Under Alloy Discovery Database, specify the details about the sourceAlloy Discovery database and provide the credentials of an ordinary Alloy Discovery user account (no permissions in Alloy Discovery are required):
TIP: If you do not want the job to run by schedule, you can clear the Enabled check box, configure the job with any schedule, and then manually run the Alloy Discovery Synchronization when needed. For details, see Managing all Automation Server jobs: To force a job to run.
SQL Server - the server that hosts the Alloy Discovery database.
Database - the Alloy Discovery database.
Under Connect as, specify how to connect to the Alloy Discovery database.
Test Connection - allows you to make sure that the Automation Server can run as specified.
Under Schedule, you specify the schedule according to which the Alloy Discovery Connector uploads data from Alloy Discovery:
Change - opens the Schedule window, where you specify the schedule.
On the Processing tab, you configure how the Discovery Connector creates and updates Alloy Navigator objects:
In the Workflow section, choose workflow Service Actions for the job:
Under For new computers, specify how the Alloy Discovery Connector creates Computers and Chromebooks:
Create Computers - the Service Action for creating Computers (a Create Action for Alloy Discovery Connector).
Create Chromebooks - the Service Action for creating Chromebooks (a Create Action for Alloy Discovery Connector).
Under For existing computers, specify how the Alloy Discovery Connector updates existing Computers and Chromebooks with the Alloy Discovery data:
Update Computers - the Service Action for updating Computers (an Update Action for Alloy Discovery Connector).
Update Chromebooks - the Service Action for updating Chromebooks (an Update Action for Alloy Discovery Connector).
Under For computer users that can't be matched to a Person, specify how the Alloy Discovery Connector creates Persons for computer users imported:
Create Persons - the Service Action for creating Persons (a Create Action for Alloy Discovery Connector).
Under For new hardware, specify how the Alloy Discovery Connector creates Hardware records:
Create Hardware - the Service Action for creating Hardware records (a Create Action for Alloy Discovery Connector).
Under For existing hardware, specify how the Alloy Discovery Connector updates existing Hardware records with the Alloy Discovery data:
Update Hardware - the Service Action for updating Hardware (an Update Action for Alloy Discovery Connector).
NOTE: You manage Service Actions for a particular object class in the Workflow and Business Logic > [Module] > [Object Class] > Workflow > Actions > Service Actions section. For details, see Configuring Service Actions.
Under Processing Options, check the boxes next to the items you want the job to create when processing Person data:
Create Organizations - enables the job to create Organizations for Person records.
Create Locations - enables the job to create Locations for Person records.
When the check box is selected, the corresponding system macro evaluates to TRUE (see System Macros).The macros should be used in conditional workflow operations of the Service Action that the job employs for creating Persons. If TRUE, the Service Action should perform a corresponding workflow Function to create the items for newly created Person records. For details, see Service Actions.
In the Other Tasks section, choose what action to perform in Alloy Discovery when a Computer or Hardware is retired in Alloy Navigator. By default, its original record is deleted from Alloy Discovery. Otherwise, the number of audit nodes that your license allows may be accidentally exceeded.
Delete its original record from Alloy Discovery - automatically deletes the original Computer or Network Device record from the Alloy Discovery database when its Computer or Hardware is retired in Alloy Navigator.
Keep its original record in Alloy Discovery - does not automatically delete the original Computer or Network Device record from the Alloy Discovery database when its Computer or Hardware is retired in Alloy Navigator.
IMPORTANT: If you chose to keep the original records of retired Computers and Hardware in Alloy Discovery, make sure to delete them manually. Otherwise, the number of audit nodes that your license allows may be accidentally exceeded.
Click OK.
Related Information:
Checking Alloy Discovery Synchronization job results
Managing the Automation Server jobs