Validation window
Use the Validation window to add or modify a validation rule for the Form.
For the wizard style Form, choose at which level the validation rule applies:
Form Level Validation - specifies that the rule applies at the Form level, i.e. Alloy Navigator checks the validation criteria when the user completes the wizard.
Page - specifies that the rule applies to a particular wizard page, i.e. Alloy Navigator checks the validation criteria when the user is leaves the page by clicking Next or Finish.
IMPORTANT: For dialog-style Forms, all rules apply at the Form level, i.e. Alloy Navigator checks the validation criteria when the user clicks OK to close the dialog box. For details, see Window style: dialog box or wizard.
Under Condition, specify the validation criteria that Alloy Navigator checks after the user fills in the Form or the wizard page:
Edit - opens the Criteria window, where you build the criteria.
Under Message, specify the message that Alloy Navigator displays if the validation criteria is true:
Type - the message type: Error, Confirmation, or Information. For details, see Form validation.
Text - the message text.
- Insert Placeholder - opens the Select Placeholder window where you can choose a Obtaining Technical Support that will be replaced with the actual field value or macro value at runtime.
IMPORTANT: A confirmation message must consist of a simple question, because the pop-up window for confirmations displays the Yes and No respond buttons.