Online Help | Desktop App

Form Field window (View Form)

Updated in 2022.2

Use the Form Field window to add or edit a field on the chosen View Form. That View Form could be the form where Self Service Portal users view object details or the form where Web App users preview the details the associated objects without opening them (also known as the "preview flyout").

Under Field, specify the general field properties:

  • Object Field - indicates that the field is physical, i.e. displays the value of a physical object field.

    • Name - the name of the physical object field.

      NOTE: When the field label is customized, the Name field displays the custom label instead of the field name. For details, see Customizing system field labels.

  • Virtual Field - indicates that the field is virtual, i.e. displays dynamic content (a macro or a value of another object). You specify the content to display in the Value field below.

    • Name - the virtual field name.

    • Type - the virtual field type (the type of data the field displays).

      INFO: For details, see Types of virtual fields.

    • For Reference field: Reference to - the class of objects or object classifiers to choose a reference object from.

Under Display, specify how this field appears on the View Form:

  • Label - the field label. If you want to use the field name as the caption, keep this field clear.

  • Value - the virtual field value to display. For a physical field, you can also decide to display a specific value instead of the actual one.

    • - opens the Build Expression window, where you can enter static text combined with dynamic content, or a SQL expression or script that returns a single dynamically calculated value.