How to create and customize workflow parameters
Alloy Navigator allows its administrators to create custom configuration parameters, modify their definitions, delete parameters and find where configuration parameters are used in your workflow.
To create a workflow parameter:
- In the Settings App, go to the Workflow and Business Logic > Advanced > Configuration Parameters section, click New.
NOTE: You can expand all groups by choosing Expand All from the pop-up menu. To collapse all groups, choose Collapse All.
- The Workflow Parameter dialog box opens, specify the configuration parameter name in the Name field.
- Optional: Specify a label for the configuration parameter in the Label field. This label will be displayed in the Workflow Configuration section.
NOTE: For details, see Administration Guide: Quick Workflow Configuration.
- Next to Type, select the workflow parameter type.
- For Reference type:Reference to - the object class (e.g. Requester, Organization, etc.) or object classifiers (e.g. Status, Type, etc.) available for the user to choose a reference object from. This field contain a reference to the chosen record as its value. With this reference you are able to access the referenced record and use its attributes in Programming and Notifications.
- For Lookup type: Click the ellipsis button and specify lookup list items the list using the Lookup Values dialog box.
- Optional: Specify a description for the configuration parameter in the Description field.
- In the Process drop-down list, select the workflow process for this configuration parameter.
- Under Default Value, specify the default value of your workflow parameter.
- Click OK.
To modify a workflow parameter definition:
- In the Workflow and Business Logic > Advanced > Configuration Parameters section, double-click a workflow parameter in the list. The Workflow Parameter dialog box opens.
- Modify a workflow parameter definition as needed.
- Click OK.
NOTE: You can modify workflow parameters on the fly when configuring a workflow item or component or modifying Templates for Self Service Portal notifications. To open the Workflow Parameter dialog box, right-click the selected placeholder and choose Placeholder Definition.
To delete a workflow parameter:
- In the Workflow and Business Logic > Advanced > Configuration Parameters section, select a workflow parameter.
- Click Delete.
NOTE: You cannot delete a workflow parameter that is actually being used in your workflow (i.e. the parameters that have any items on the Usage tab). Remove all its dependencies first and then rename the parameter.
You can easily find all workflow items and components (Actions, Forms, Functions, Macros, etc.) that use a workflow configuration parameter, i.e. have placeholders for the parameter’s value. It is useful when you are going to delete or rename a parameter, or when you need to know what workflow items and components use a particular parameter and where.
To find out where a workflow parameter is being used:
- From the Sidebar, navigate to a parameter (Workflow and Business Logic > Advanced > Configuration Parameters > [Process] > [ParameterName]).
- Double-click a parameter. The Workflow Parameter dialog box appears.
- Click the Usage tab, where workflow items and components are displayed. Note the Placement and Placement Details values. To open a workflow item or component, double-click it or use the Open button.
INFO: For details, see Administration Guide: Searching in Workflow.