Automating Network Folder Audit
The Inventory Analyzerpackage for Network Folder Audit of a network segment is typically deployed to a shared folder hosted on a file server. The shared folder must be accessible to all computers and authorized users on this network segment.
When deployed to a shared folder, Windows Inventory Analyzer, Linux Inventory Analyzer, and Mac Inventory Analyzer can be launched automatically using domain logon scripts, scheduled tasks, or other scripting solutions. The resulting audit snapshots are also stored on this network share, in an Intermediary Repository subfolder.
When started, Alloy Discovery can automatically scan all the intermediary repositories (if you have multiple instances of Network Folder Audit), and load the detected audit snapshots to the database. There are several methods to automatically launch the audit agents and produce audit snapshots on a regular basis:
For networked computers running Windows OS, you use the following methods:
In a Windows domain, apply a
Domain Logon Scripting.
In a non-domain networks, apply one of the methods to configure each client computer:
NOTE: Using Domain Logon Scripting, Windows Startup Menu or Windows Registry startup Keys may lead to audits running every logon or reboot. To reduce the frequency of audits, audit schedule of the Network Folder Audit Source should be defined.
For networked computers running Linux or Mac OS, from the shared folder where the Inventory Analyzers have been deployed, you use features such as the cron daemon to automate audit agent's performance: