Online Help | Desktop App

Anonymous Access

On-prem only

Specify the content of your portal that will be available for anonymous users. If you keep a check box clear, anonymous users will be prompted to sign in when trying to access that SSP area.

  • To allow anonymous users to access content from the Home page, select the Home Page check box. If you keep this check box clear, unauthenticated users can access SSP areas only by using their direct URLs.

  • To allow anonymous users to view announcements, select the Announcements check box. The content will be displayed in the "Announcements" section of the Home page. This option also allows anonymous users to access the Announcements page using its direct URL.

  • To allow anonymous users to access specific articles from the Knowledge Base, select the Knowledge Base Articles check box. The content will be displayed in the "Popular Articles" section of the Home page. This option also allows anonymous users to access specific KB Articles using their direct URLs.

    • To allow anonymous users to browse the Knowledge Base, select the Knowledge Base check box. The "Browse Knowledge Base" item will be displayed in the "Tools" section of the Home page. This option also allows anonymous users to access the Knowledge Base page using its direct URL.

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