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Disabling or enabling user accounts

Introduced in 2022.1

When you need to temporarily prohibit a user from accessing Alloy Navigator Express, you can disable their user account. Disabled accounts can be enabled at any time. This article describes how to disable and enable Alloy Navigator Express user accounts.

To disable an active account:

  • Under Users & Security > Accounts and Roles > Accounts, click the user account you want to disable and then click the Make Inactive button.

    If the account is currently in use, it will be disabled the next time the user attempts to sign in.

    TIP: Alternatively, you can inactivate the associated Person record, in the Web App or in the Desktop App. The users whose accounts are associated with inactive Person records cannot log in to Alloy Navigator Express.

To enable a disabled user account:

  • Under Users & Security > Accounts and Roles > Accounts, click the user account you want to enable and then click the Make Active button.