Updating summary reports to the latest version
If you customized any pre-packaged summary reports in your previous version, all customizations are preserved during the upgrade. However, the latest version may include some updates to pre-packed reports, including those that you customized.
If any updated copies of your customized reports exist, Alloy Navigator Express automatically installs them during the upgrade and adds (Updated in 2024.x.x) to their names. All updated copies are included in the Updated in Alloy Navigator Express 2024.x.x report category.
After the upgrade, you should review each pair of your customized report and its updated copy:
[ReportName] - the report customized in the previous version
[ReportName] (Updated in 2024.x.x) - its updated copy from the latest version
If the updated report suits you better and you want to use it instead of the existing one, you can replace your customized report with its updated copy.
To replace your customized report with its updated copy:
On the menu bar, click Reports > Reports and open the Updated in Alloy Navigator Express 2024.x.x report category from the Categories pane. Alternatively, you can browse the All Reports category for the [ReportName] (Updated in 2024.x.x) report.
In the Reports grid, right-click the updated report and choose Update from the pop-up menu. Once you confirm the update, Alloy Navigator Express saves the [ReportName] (Updated in 2024.x.x) report as [ReportName] and replaces you customized layout with the updated one.
NOTE: When you update the report, you replace its current layout. You may want to export your current report to a file for backup purposes before the update. For details, see Saving summary report layouts to external report files.