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Using operators in the Filter Builder

The following tables describe the behavior of logical and comparison operators available in the Filter Builder.

Logical operators available for combining conditions and groups:

Logical Operator Behavior

all matched

TRUE if all nested conditions and subgroups return TRUE; otherwise, FALSE.

any matched

TRUE if at least one condition or a subgroup returns TRUE; otherwise, FALSE.

one failed

TRUE if at least one condition or subgroup returns FALSE; otherwise, FALSE.

all failed

TRUE if all conditions and subgroups return FALSE; otherwise, FALSE.

Comparison operators available for composing conditions:

Comparison Operator Behavior Usage example


TRUE if the field value equals to the specified one.

Category equals Network.

does not equal

TRUE if the field value does not equal to the specified one.

Location does not equal <Current User Location>.

is less than

TRUE if the field value is less than the specified one.

Due Date is less than 11.05.11.

is less than or equal to

TRUE if the field value is less than or equals to the specified one.

Due Date is less than or equal to 03.01.19.

is greater than

TRUE if the field value is greater than the specified one.

Complete Date is greater than 01.02.19.

is greater than or equal to

TRUE if the field value is greater than or equals to the specified one.

Complete Date is greater than or equal to 09.08.19.


Similar to ”equals” but allows to use wildcards in the specified value: ”%” to represent any sequence of characters and ”_” to represent any single character.

Summary like %upgrade%.

not like

Similar to "does not equal" but allows to use wildcards in the specified value: "%" to represent any sequence of characters and "_" to represent any single character.

Summary Not like %network%.

is blank

TRUE if the field is blank.

Assignee is blank.

is not blank

TRUE if the field is not blank.

Assignee Group is not blank

is yesterday

TRUE if the field value is equal to the yesterday date. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Submit Date is yesterday.

is today

TRUE if the field value is equal to the current date. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Modified Date is today.

is tomorrow

TRUE if the field value is equal to the tomorrow date. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Due Date is tomorrow.

is last week

TRUE if the field value belongs to the previous calendar week. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Created Date is last week.

is last two weeks

TRUE if the field value belongs to the previous two calendar weeks. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Created Date is last two weeks.

is last month

TRUE if the field value belongs to the previous calendar month. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Submit Date is last month.

is last year

TRUE if the field value belongs to the previous calendar year. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Submit Date is last year.

is last 7 days

TRUE if the field value is earlier than the current date by not more than 7 days. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Due Date is last 7 days.

is last 14 days


TRUE if the field value is earlier than the current date by not more than 14 days. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Created Date is last 14 days.

is last 30 days


TRUE if the field value is earlier than the current date by not more than 30 days. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Submit Date is last 30 days.


is this week

TRUE if the field value belongs to the current calendar week. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Due Date is this week.

is this month

TRUE if the field value belongs to the current calendar month. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Submit Date is this month.

is this year

TRUE if the field value belongs to the current calendar year. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Invoice Date is this year.

is next week

TRUE if the field value belongs to the next calendar week. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Due Date is next week.

is next two weeks

TRUE if the field value belongs to the next two calendar weeks. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Due Date is next two weeks.


is next month

TRUE if the field value belongs to the next calendar month. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Warranty Exp is next month.

is next year

TRUE if the field value belongs to the next calendar year. Requires no arguments. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Lease Return Date is next year.

in next 7 days

TRUE if the field value is greater than the current date by no more than 7 days. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Invoice Date is in next 7 days.


in next 14 days


TRUE if the field value is greater than the current date by no more than 14 days. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Due Date is in next 14 days.


in next 30 days


TRUE if the field value is greater than the current date by no more than 30 days. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Warranty Exp is in next 30 days.


in the past by no more than *** days

TRUE if the field value is earlier than the current date by not more than the specified number of days. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Due Date in the past by no more than 4 days.

in the future by no more than *** days

TRUE if the field value is greater than the current date by not more than the specified number of days. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Response Date in the future by no more than 2 days.

is before today by *** days or more

TRUE if the field value is earlier than the current date by the specified number of days or more. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Modified Date is before today by 3 days or more.

is after today by *** days or more

TRUE if the field value is greater than the current date by the specified number of days or more. Applicable to date/time fields only.

Completed Date is after today by 5 days or more.