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Filtering records

Filtering allows you to display only those records that meet specific criteria and exclude the rest of them.

Filtering is especially useful when you’re working with large number of records and at least approximately know which kind of records you want to find. For example, you may want to display all computers with a particular configuration, such as Windows 10 Pro, CPU Speed less than 2.1 GHz, and HDD free space less than 100 MB.

These filters are available:

  • Quick Filter - a simple, quick way to filter the data view on the fly, using the fields (columns) that are shown in the grid. The Quick Filter applies to the records that have already been retrieved from the database.

  • Advanced Filter - an advanced, permanent solution to retrieve from the database only the records that meet the filtering criteria you define. The Advanced Filter allows filtering the grid by any fields, including both shown in the grid and hidden ones. This filter can decrease the number of retrieved records and is, therefore, preferable when you are working with a large number of records and the database connection is not too fast, or the amount of RAM in your computer is not very high.

NOTE: By default, Alloy Navigator Express converts the Quick Filter into the Advanced Filter when you save a grid view (for details, see Working with views). To disable automatic conversion, clear the check box in the Advanced Filter Options section of the Advanced Preferences.

NOTE: If you apply a new filter without first removing the previous filter, the new filtering conditions and the previous filtering conditions add up.